Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon pointed out that building a community with a shared future for mankind has provided inspiration for all UN member States.

We should not give up our dreams because the reality is complicated, and we should not give up the pursuit of our ideals because they are far away. No country can meet the various challenges facing mankind alone,

and no country can retreat into self-isolation. To build a community with a shared future for mankind requires both internal and external efforts and mutual reinforcement. Internally, we should follow the Chinese-style modernization path to achieve the second Centenary Goal at an early date, and externally,

we should actively strive for more countries to understand and support the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. To this end, China must maintain an attitude of equality, modesty, openness and inclusiveness,

so as to win the respect of the world and win the willingness of more countries to join hands with China to build a community with a shared future for mankind. The more powerful China becomes, the more it should maintain an equal and humble attitude.

China's efforts to actively promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind have been widely praised by the international community. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres praised that the purpose of our practice of multilateralism is to build a community of shared future for mankind.

Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon pointed out that building a community with a shared future for mankind has provided inspiration for all UN member States.

Former French Prime Minister Raffarin said that the great idea of building a community with a shared future for mankind has put forward a reasonable and feasible solution for the world to develop in a more inclusive, efficient and high-quality direction.We will steadily promote common prosperity with a sound social security system

In the report to the 20th National Congress of the Party of China, the General Secretary made clear that common prosperity for all the people is an important feature and essential requirement of Chinese-style modernization,

and made overall plans to improve the distribution system, implement the strategy of giving priority to employment, improve the social security system and promote the construction of a healthy China as four strategic measures to steadily promote common prosperity. It points out the direction for the construction and development of our country's social security system.

Improving the social security system is an inherent requirement for common prosperity

Social security is a basic institutional guarantee for ensuring and improving people's livelihood, maintaining social equity, and enhancing people's well-being.

It is an important institutional arrangement for promoting economic and social development and ensuring that the fruits of reform and development are shared by the people. It plays the role of a safety net for ensuring people's livelihood,

a regulator of income distribution, and a shock absorber for economic operation. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China fully affirmed the importance of social security to the long-term stability of the country and the well-being of the people for generations to come,

and entrusted it with more significant responsibilities and missions in the new journey of China's comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country and the historical process of common prosperity.

Common prosperity is an ideal living condition in which all people are generally in material and spiritual abundance. Its essence is to narrow the income gap and realize social equality through social sharing,

and a sound social security system is needed to realize social sharing. Throughout the world, no more than 30 countries and regions that have achieved modernization have achieved the goal of alleviating social contradictions and promoting social equality by establishing a sound social security system.

The general law is that the soundness of the social security system is positively correlated with the degree of social equality, that is, the more sound the social security system, the higher the degree of social equality.

In European countries, the income redistribution effect generated by social security has reduced the income gap by about 30% on average, and the contribution of social security in Northern and Western European countries to reducing income inequality is as high as nearly 80%.

The practice of these modern countries fully shows that the social security system plays a huge role in narrowing the income gap and promoting common prosperity. Therefore, the social security system is the standard of a modern country, and the establishment of a sound social security system is the common feature of the modernization of all countries.

The Chinese-style modernization is not only the modernization of the population size of more than 1.4 billion, but also the modernization of the pursuit of common prosperity for all the people under the condition of a large population size,

which determines that China should improve the social security system, and narrow the income gap through this major institutional arrangement, so as to realize that all the people share the fruits of national modernization.

For example, through a sound pension insurance system to meet the basic needs of all the elderly, through a sound medical security system to effectively relieve all the people's worries about illness and medical treatment,

through a sound social assistance system to avoid low-income families into survival crisis, through a sound unemployment insurance system to support the unemployed through the loss of income period and re-employment.

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