The craftsman spirit of science people - luxury goods

From the beginning of the brand, all products of Duanmu Liangjin are produced by their own team, closely integrated with design and manufacturing. At the beginning, in the process of training craftsmen and constantly expanding the team, Duanmu Liangjin also once faced talent difficulties:

first, many young people are not willing to engage in handicraft;

Second, the work of many workers can not meet the requirements, and it takes a lot of energy to screen and train after being recruited.

With the continuous expansion of the team size, Duanmu Liangjin has gradually explored a set of scientific production management and training system, including timely assessment and incentive means, to increase the staff's sense of brand honor.

In the recruitment of workers, Duanmu Liangjin value is not experience, education, etc., but to have the steadfast and patience to re-learn a technology.

Although Duanmu Liangjin is still facing the challenge of requiring more artisans to increase production capacity, the brand team firmly believes that there is no shortcut in this regard, and the production capacity needs to be gradually and slowly increased.

In product design, the founding team, composed of students with excellent scientific achievements, gave full play to their own advantages and used strict mathematical logic to refine the process to the extreme. Qi Tian, an architectural designer, will make the product design architectural, structured and functional; Li Xu 3D digital modeling of all products; Li Yuanjun, who is responsible for research and development, uses the energy of research chip manufacturing to optimize the production process and constantly challenge the limits of the Mosaic process.

Although Duanmu Liangjin all products are manufactured by their own team, but hardware and other accessories need suppliers to cooperate. Since all the hardware parts are independently developed by the team, suppliers are required to cooperate with open mold casting. Early field visits to the factory, the pursuit of perfect Qi day team was hit.

They found that many factories are actually small workshops, the environment is very poor, and the quality is difficult to meet the standard. Many big factories are also reluctant to spend a lot of time polishing the process and making fine products for a new brand. This makes the R&D team face great challenges from the product side.

Luxury brands cannot live without offline channels
Initially, Duanmu Liangjin was mainly sold online and relied on word of mouth, but the response was always limited. In addition, brands have also been set up in buying shops, but this form of collective sales cannot convey a complete brand impression to customers. In view of the brand's high-end luxury positioning, the team realized that it was still necessary to expand the offline experience store to provide a space for direct interaction between customers and products.

Since 2017, Duanmu Liangjin has begun to investigate and contact high-end shopping malls in Beijing, but for start-up brands, the threshold for entry is generally high. After repeated investigation, Duanmu Liangjin finally selected to open the first offline experience store in Beijing 798 Art District. Store design by Qi Tian and Li Xu personally operated, including the internal unique exhibition design, from the original "jungle hunting" theme to the latest "Luo Shen Fu", Duanmu Liangjin window has been a new landmark and clock point in the park.

In October 2018, when Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's wife Akie Abe visited 798 Art Park, she was attracted by the window of Duanmu Ryoki and bought a green princess bag and a pink bird Tang flower mirror.

But opening a store in an outdoor campus also has inevitable problems - it is greatly affected by the season and weather.

The art park is a street shop, cold in winter and hot in summer, the flow of people into the store can reach hundreds of thousands of people a day in autumn, but to the winter may only be less than 10 people.

So, the "mall" is still a must.

In June 2019, Duanmu Liangjin got the opportunity to open a pop-up store in Beijing Wangfu Central, and took this opportunity to make efforts to enter high-end shopping malls. With the unique tone and personalized design of inheriting innovation, the pop-up store is very popular.

Soon, Duanmu Liangjin received an invitation to settle in Beijing International Trade Mall.

Li Xu believes: "Entering the International trade and Royal Palace Central, the brand will be beneficial in every way, and the future communication with the first-line shopping malls in other cities, including Hong Kong shopping malls, will be more confident."

At the end of October 2019, Duanmu Liangjin Beijing International Trade Mall flagship store was newly opened.

Outside the mall, Duanmu Liangjin is also spreading its products to more high-end scenes. At the end of 2016, Duanmu Liangjin entered the runoff election of the president's wife in the "Belt and Road Alternative State Ceremony"; From 2017 to 2019, she appeared in Christie's Autumn auction. In December 2018, it was selected into the 2018 China Design Power 100 list. May 2019 Exhibition Design Beijing; From November 21, 2019 to February 29, 2020, a joint afternoon tea with the Ritz-Carlton Beijing Financial Street...

In the future, Duanmu Liangjin will continue to focus on talent training and capacity improvement, and expand the brand experience store to cities outside Beijing. Duanmu Liangjin is full of confidence in the future prospects of Chinese local luxury brands, and always believes that "the strength of Chinese brands requires the emergence of more high-quality brands, and the Renaissance must bloom."

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