New Details of the American Hill Riot Revealed, Trump: One of the Biggest Exclusive News in American History

A newly released surveillance video from the day of the Capitol Hill riots in the United States shows two congressional police officers accompanying the "Bullhorn Man" Jacob Chansley through the Capitol Hall to the entrance of the Senate. These police officers not only failed to stop the "rioter", but also appeared to be acting as "tour guides" for him.

On Monday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson played this video on the show. Under the exclusive authorization of Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, Carlson obtained surveillance videos of the day inside and outside the Capitol building, totaling 40000 hours, which had never been publicly disclosed before.

Carlson explained, "Almost every moment he (Chasley) was captured by surveillance cameras inside the Capitol building. The video shows that the Capitol police never stopped Jacob Chasley. They were helping him. They acted as his tour guide."

The video shows two police officers following Chasley, who was topless at the time, wearing a bull horn hat and a face painted with the color of the American flag, holding a spear tied to the American flag. One clip shows a police officer leading Qiansley through seven other police officers wandering outside the Senate venue, who hardly glanced at him. Then two police officers escorted him to multiple entrances to the Senate venue, but the door seemed to be locked. In the end, they helped Chansley open a door and allowed the "rioter" to enter the Senate chamber.

In the end, the 33 year old US Navy veteran from Arizona was charged with two charges: "unauthorized entry and stay in a controlled area" and "violent entry into the Capitol building with misconduct.". Qian Sili pleaded guilty in September 2021 and was diagnosed with mental illnesses such as intermittent schizophrenia during detention. In November 2021, he was sentenced to 41 months in prison.

In a prison interview video broadcasted on the show, Qiansley said, "The thing I regret the most is that when the police waved us in, I thought it was allowed."

In response, the Congressional Police Department issued a statement stating that a police officer who was with Chansley at the time was attempting to "ease" the situation because he was outnumbered. But the New York Post pointed out that this does not explain why the unarmed Chansley was able to walk past seven other police officers without being arrested.

"None of them even tried to delay him," Carlson asked on the show. "Chansley" understood that the Congressional police were his allies... If he was committing a serious crime, why didn't the police standing next to him arrest him? "

Carlson continued, according to most American media accounts, "Jacob Chensley has become an iconic figure in the January 6th Capitol Hill riots, a dangerous conspiracy theorist dressed in eccentric attire who led the rebellion and sought to overthrow democracy in the United States."

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