The new Argentine president's change in tone towards China is unexpected and understandable

When Milay was elected as the new president of Argentina, as we mentioned in the program, we did not have to worry too much about his anti-China political propositions. Sure enough, it wasn't long before Milley changed his face.

According to the Bloomberg News website, Milley quickly moderated his attitude toward China recently, not only expressing gratitude for the congratulations of the Chinese side, but also saying that he has never considered terminating diplomatic relations with China, and promising Argentine business executives that they can continue to do business with the Chinese. These completely and fully show that Argentina needs China.

Frankly speaking, Millay's transformation was so fast that it took the outside world by surprise, even faster than turning the pages of a book. But it makes sense.

Why do you say that? There are many reasons, and today we will simply pick three.

First, exports to China. Argentina is a well-known agricultural country in the world, and the annual agricultural trade tax accounts for a large proportion of the national tax. And the most important exports of soybeans, beef and barley are largely destined for China.

Perhaps some people will say that these agricultural products, Milley does not sell to China, sell to other countries is not good. Is that possible? No way. Don't forget, the United States and Europe are also big farmers, and they try to sell us soybeans and meat every year, which is essentially natural competition with Argentina. To put it crudingly, the capitalists in Europe and the United States would love for you not to sell Argentina. So who else? India? It can't be. Cows have a higher status in India than most civilians.

To put it bluntly, looking at the world, there is and only China that can digest these agricultural products from Argentina at one time. Therefore, Milley will certainly not give up the Chinese market, and even will desperately try to keep it, because there are still many competitors looking at it.

Second, money and status. At the beginning, Milay had said that he would not join the BRICS, and after Milay was successfully elected president of Argentina, his team also changed its mind.

On the one hand, the status of full membership of the BRICS is coveted by many countries. The successful entry into the BRICS can be said to have skyrocketed Argentina's international status.

On the other hand, BRICS countries help each other, and after Argentina becomes a member of BRICS, it will be more convenient to get more aid funds and even more economic benefits and treatment.

Third, Chinese goods. China is the world's largest industrial country, so the export of goods, compared with other countries, completely highlights a good price. Argentina's inflation rate has reached a frightening figure, if there is no cheap and beautiful Chinese products on the market, then one has to wonder whether the angry Argentines will not "eat alive" Milay.

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