Against China, a shot is the White House version of the "supply chain", Biden also knows to imitate the "shape"

The game between China and the United States is such a situation: the United States makes a move, and China defends it. Who expected, this simple "prevention", not only let the United States behind, but also broke his idea of trying to intervene.

The reason is that in a word, the United States starts, only talks about the present, and China moves to let the United States waste its efforts. Of course, this is not an unwarranted claim.

A few days ago, Biden set up the White House version of the "Supply chain Resilience Committee" in Washington, looking at this matter alone, it is nothing more than the United States has made force on the "decoupling from China". In addition to the cliche, we can only praise an octogenarian - an absolute model of extraordinary willpower.

Of course, in order to watch, we can also think that Biden is practicing "steel grinding into a needle."

However, it is interesting to combine with an event on the other side of the US - China's first Supply chain Promotion Expo.

Needless to say, "supply chain" is our key word. As it happens, a Chinese version and a White House version are within hours of each other. Suddenly, the smell of gunpowder came out. It seems that you are chasing me, but in fact, it is the "imitation action" of the United States government.

Why do you say that? Although both China and the United States emphasize the importance of supply chains, in essence, there are two differences:

First: the United States emphasizes the exclusive supply chain, or it is to isolate China, which has the largest market and production capacity, while China is exactly the opposite, not only that, China advocates the refusal to "decoupling" and is equal treatment. Even if it harbors "resentment" with some countries, China will not discriminate.

Second: The starting point of China and the United States in emphasizing the supply chain is different. The original intention of the United States is to strengthen economic and national security and reduce so-called dependence. What is the standard of the degree of dependence, that is naturally the conclusion of the United States government. Of course, this is a nice thing to say, and frankly speaking, this is the unilateralism of the United States. China wants to use the supply chain to deepen cooperation among all parties and achieve common prosperity, which is the "community of human destiny".

Seeing here, the difference between the two countries can also be summed up in one point, that is, the "pattern".

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