In order to force foreign teachers to leave, the men's football team deliberately lost Hong Kong? Football Association or investigation, fans: these two are under scrutiny

Sometimes, things are so wonderful, when Li Ke was returned because he was late, when the intensity of the Chinese men's football training in the United Arab Emirates began to increase, many fans are worried about one thing, that is, worry that the men's football players will not adapt to such intensity, deliberately put bad to find a way to do the head coach, in the words of fans: "These years, the outgoing foreign commanders have come to this end, do not give holidays to make you ugly, do not give benefits to let you dismissed, do not face."

From the beginning of the training, the national football team has not had a holiday, even on the day of the New Year, Jankovic is not willing to have a holiday, Jankovic hopes the players will work harder, but Jankovic also promised that if the Chinese national football team can win the match against China Hong Kong men's football, will get 1 day's holiday.

But let Yankovic did not think that this game, the Chinese men's football team still lost, they lost to Hong Kong, China 1:2, and really, in the case of two people were sent off, if not for the naturalized player Jiang Guangtai in the back line head kick, the score may not only this.

And after the game, the network is also out of the Chinese men's football team in order to force foreign teacher Yankovic to leave, deliberately lost to China Hong Kong rumors, why there is such a rumor? According to Ma Dexing, a reporter with the Chinese men's football team, the Chinese men's football team failed to effectively pass the ball through the midfield to the half of the Hong Kong Chinese men's football team for 20 minutes during the game. In 20 minutes, Hong Kong, China will press the men's team on the floor friction, in these 20 minutes, Hong Kong, China's men's team obtained 6 corners, 4 free kicks outside the large restricted area, the Chinese men's team was beaten without fighting back, even before the game against Japan, South Korea, the Chinese men's team did not appear so awkward ugly situation.

20 minutes the ball can not reach the other side of the half, the performance of the Chinese men's football team is also to make many fans question whether the players are deliberately put rotten, want to use the warm-up match to Yankovic Xiawei let Yankovic class. Fans' doubts soon formed a hot discussion on the network, but because this game is closed, it is difficult for fans to find enough evidence to prove that they are deliberately lost, but when the voice of fans to a certain extent, I believe that the Football Association is still likely to intervene in the investigation. It is worth mentioning that after this matter got a lot of attention from fans, fans also called for a strict investigation of two people, the first is Wang Shangyuan, Wang Shangyuan because of the quarrel with the referee to eat a red card. Wang Shangyuan side is also questioned by fans whether there is a war-weary mood. The second is Wu Shaocong, less a person after the battle, Wu Shaocong should have been more focused, open and close defensive action easy to eat red and yellow cards, he can not know, so Wu Shaocong is also questioned by fans, we also look forward to the football Association can seriously investigate, if the players really do not want to play for the men's team, let him go, don't gas fans.

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