The United States lost again! Rivers was mocked, NBA championship does not equal world championship!

It's so exciting! Have you watched the game between Lithuania and the United States? Surprisingly, Lithuania's three armies used their lives to defeat the United States team, giving Dream Team their first defeat!

Although both Lithuania and the United States had already secured qualifying spots before this match, the outcome of this match directly affects the relationship between the two teams in the knockout stage. Lithuania, who advanced first in the group, will face Serbia in the lower half, while the United States, who advanced second in the group, will face Italy in the upper half of the quarter finals.

To be honest, although the US team's lineup this year is relatively mediocre, it is surprising that they lost in the group stage. The strength of the Lithuanian men's basketball team is good, and they have also defeated the United States team in history, but now their lineup is on the decline.

The leading player Valenquinas has entered the later stages of his career, and the other two NBA stars Motayunius and Kuzminska have also been eliminated by the NBA. Therefore, their individual combat abilities have actually declined. However, against this background, Lithuania unexpectedly defeated the United States team, with everyone playing and a team style that is too shocking.

The best player for the US team in this game was Edwards, who made 14 out of 26 shots and scored 35 points. He also made 5 out of 13 three pointers. Without his hard support, the US team would have been defeated. Edwards has repeatedly hit a three-point shot or hit a layup on a counterattack when the game is about to be battered, keeping the suspense of the game going, which is not easy.

Previously, the US team had never been clear about who the attacking arrow was. Now they understand that it's not Ingram, nor is it Lakers star Rivers, nor is it point guard Brenson, but rather Mr. Edwards, who has been around for 5 years and 260 million!

Edwards plays well, but his teammates are very competitive. Apart from him, no one on the US team has scored more than 5 goals in sports matches! In terms of rebounds, they were also bombed by Lithuania. The US team only had 24 rebounds in the game, while Lithuania grabbed 37 rebounds and 14 rebounds in the front court!

The attacks of Valancunas and Moteyunas in Lithuania's interior were unstoppable by the US team. The interior opened up, and the US team's lineup was small and could only shrink. Then the Lithuanian team also opened up the exterior, hitting all three pointers in the first 9 attempts. The US journalist also joked that Lithuania has 9 Curries, how can we play this game!

Apart from losing, the most important thing for the US team to summarize is why they have been kept under pressure and have no fighting ability throughout the game. Cole kept letting Rivers defend against the opponent's attacking front line, but the result was that Rivers was frantically named and sent countless 2+1 shots from the low post. With Rivers, Lithuania scored 16 points!

Rivers made 1 out of 4 shots and 5 free throws throughout the game, scoring 8 points. However, he gave 16 points to his opponent. His defense was completely black hole, and Cole didn't adjust at all, just watching Rivers collapse on the field! A Lithuanian player once forcefully attacked Rivers in the low post and after completing a 2+1, he spat out his tongue at Rivers, mocking him endlessly. Rivers looked helpless and had no choice but to be taken advantage of.

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