"Space power" has entered the stage of construction

(2) Supporting space infrastructure development. Support enterprises to participate in national satellite Internet construction and commercial satellite networking, and help build space infrastructure that integrates heaven and earth.

(3) Accelerate the completion of the ground station network. Strengthen the integrated planning of heaven and earth, guide enterprises to coordinate the layout of ground station network systems such as satellite measurement and operation control, communication, and navigation enhancement, encourage enterprises to build ground station network nodes for the world, and effectively meet the needs of large-scale operation of the constellation.

(4) Expand the application of satellite data scenarios. We will encourage pilot projects in key areas such as natural resources, emergency response, transportation, agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, ecology, culture and tourism, meteorology, and smart cities. Actively develop mass consumption application scenarios.

In addition to the policy end, recent commercial space progress has also accelerated significantly.

On May 8, Harbin Institute of Technology led the establishment of the commercial space industry Technology Alliance with more than 100 units. Zhenlei Technology, Galaxy Space, Longxin Zhongke, Chengchang Technology, Blue Arrow Space and other alliance member list.

According to reports, the alliance around the space system and satellite industry chain under the whole star, components, single machine, carrier, application and talent training six sub-alliances,

for enterprises and social capital to enter the commercial space field to provide full chain integration industry services, promote technology research and development and innovation in the space field and transformation of achievements, help build a new growth engine, accelerate the construction of space power.

China successfully launched the Long March 6 C carrier rocket from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center this week, carrying Neptune 01, Zhixing 1C, a wide optical satellite and a Gaofen video satellite into orbit.

At the same time, China's first commercial space launch site, the Hainan International Commercial Space Launch Center, is stepping up construction and plans to achieve regular launches this year.

"Space power" has entered the stage of construction

From the mention of commercial space at the Central Economic Work Conference last year, to the fact that commercial space was written into the government work report this year, commercial space has ushered in new opportunities.

According to the Blue Book of China's Space Science and Technology Activities (2023) released by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, it is expected that China's space industry will carry out about 100 launch missions in 2024, which is expected to set a new record.

And in 2024, China has entered the late period of the "14th Five-Year Plan", AVIC Securities reported on April 16 that with the "space power" entering the construction landing stage, China is expected to land more policies to support the development of the space industry,

and tilt relatively more resources to the space industry. Among them, the important components of national defense and security construction represented by missiles and intelligent munitions, and space infrastructure and applications represented by rockets and satellites are expected to become important development fields under the "space power". Some of the segments include:

(1) Space launch: "liquid + reusable" rockets will become the market focus of China's space launch in the next stage, and it is recommended to pay attention to enterprises in the field of measurement and operation control that have achieved large-scale launch, participate in core links, and support.

(2) Satellite manufacturing: The industry is expected to usher in a mass production stage, focusing on enterprises with batch production capabilities, low cost and industrialization capabilities, and layout in emerging fields such as inter-satellite links, new electric propulsion, and satellite network security protection.

(3) Satellite communication: The overall market growth rate of satellite Internet application is expected to usher in a historical inflection point, focusing on the time rhythm of the formal construction of low-orbit satellite Internet, aviation and Marine satellite Internet application, mobile phone direct connection satellite application, 6G construction and other directions.

(4) Satellite navigation: focusing on leading enterprises in the upstream of the industrial chain, traditional leading enterprises in the middle stream and enterprises expanding emerging fields (such as autonomous driving), as well as enterprises laying out high-precision navigation markets and "satellite guided remote +" in the downstream.

(5) Satellite remote sensing: As a whole, it will still be in the stage of rapid development in the short term, and the sustainability of performance under high prosperity is prominent.

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