Why There is a "China narrative template"

In general, although the narrative template developed by the old and the United States is the most widely used template in the world, there are cultural differences after all, and each country needs to use it dialectically to make it conform to its own cultural characteristics. Any narrative template that comes to India, for example, must incorporate a "say and dance" scenario.

Looking back at this year's domestic film market, there are obviously two trends: one is the decline of Hollywood type films, and the audience has entered a period of aesthetic burnout for classic narrative templates.

Second, the types of domestic films are also iterating, and there are Eastern narrative templates that have been successfully verified by the market, the two most typical examples are "Wandering Earth 2" and "Chang 'an 30,000 Miles".

The Wandering Earth 2 can be described as poetic science fiction under the Oriental civilization. Most western science fiction stories revolve around fighting against foreign enemies and human good and evil, almost all of them promote the plot under the conflict of binary opposition, and war and killing are indispensable bridge segments. The Wandering Earth 2 has opened up another possibility, although the scientists Tu Hengyu and Ma Zhao are opposed, they are ultimately for the interests of mankind and the collective.

It is said that the biggest enemy and difficulties faced by the protagonists are "natural disasters", and the solution to the problem is to call on human unity and find the possibility of survival.

The film also dramatizes the conflict between Eastern and Western civilizations and values. The earth is facing an existential crisis, the West pays attention to individualism, and decides to call on everyone to hide in the virtual world, like the Matrix presented, and enjoy virtual eternal life. In China, we are familiar with collectivism, hoping that people all over the world can unite to create a possibility of human survival.

From "Wandering Earth 2" to "Sealing God", many viewers began to re-examine the Chinese and Western mythic systems, rediscovering the underlying differences between agricultural civilization and Marine civilization.

In our mythological stories, the gods do something because they have the world in their heart, such as the goddess mending the sky and Houyi shooting the sun, all in order to benefit the people, emphasizing the dedication of sacrifice. Western mythology emphasizes ego and reason. For example, Odin, the god of knowledge in Norse mythology, was willing to sacrifice an eye in order to drink from the "spring of wisdom."

The success of "Chang 'an Thirty Thousand Miles" is definitely not an accident. From "Little Door God" to "Thirty Thousand Miles of Chang 'an", the reason why Chase Light can achieve a breakthrough in the box office is because their narrative has undergone a qualitative change - finally abandoning the Western narrative template and understanding how to tell traditional Chinese stories.

The early animation "Little Door God" and "The Adventure of Ah Tang", etc., are all telling traditional Chinese cultural stories, but the actual effect is: Hollywood animated films with a Chinese character shell.

Later, Chouguang tried to explore the integration of classical culture into modern context, and made the White Snake and New List series, but the most successful works can only sell more than 400 million box office. Until the release of "Chang 'an Thirty Thousand Miles", no one thought that a movie that read poetry throughout, without the core conflict and story line that we are familiar with, could actually sell 1.8 billion.

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