How did the Mongol Empire founded by Genghis Khan sweep across Eurasia

In the history of world cavalry warfare, Mongolian warriors have written an extremely brilliant and brilliant pen! It is no exaggeration to say that the Mongol Empire was fought on the back of horses. The fact that they can expand wildly in a short period of time is entirely the result of the joint action of time and people.

Not too strong, but the opponent is too weak, is the true portrayal of the Mongolian cavalry at that time.

At the beginning of the 13th century, the peoples around Mongolia were in a state of decline: the Jin Dynasty, which controlled northern China, had become Sinicized and lost its former martial spirit; After the Liao was defeated by the Jin, the remaining troops fled to the west and established the Western Liao to survive. The Western Xia Dynasty was also in turmoil and its economy collapsed due to the war.

What better time than now? Therefore, the Mongols led the army all the way to fight with the Western Liao and the Jin, and by the way, they went to the west to abuse the flower thorns that often tripped them up, which was the first westward expedition of the Mongol Empire. However, during this period, their ideas only stayed in the revenge stage, until the conquest of the flower thorn model, the painting style changed.

Because they found that the opponent is too dish, the protagonist's halo was originally on their own head! Coupled with the internal strife and division of the Islamic and Christian world at that time, where they could stop the spirit of the Mongolian army, they completely released their ambitions, rushed out of Asia, went to the world, and became the most terrible invaders in history.

As for man and people, the Mongols make the most of their advantages.

First, the Mongol army fought for quality. The Mongol cavalry were selected from the best trained soldiers, who were not only physically strong and needed only a little medical treatment to keep them fit for battle, but also were able to bear hardships and endure harsh climatic conditions, rather than seeking comfort and delicious food.

Not to mention, Mongolian men were sent to school from the age of three or four to undergo strict horseback archery training, so they had an amazing ability to control horses and use weapons, especially in a method of combat called "resting archery" by the ancient Romans, in which the rider fled while shooting arrows at the enemy behind.

In 1241, the Mongol cavalry used this method of warfare to crush a hundred thousand Hungarians, the best army in Europe, on the banks of the Danube, and almost completely annihilate the resistance in Europe.

Second, advanced cavalry technology. The Mongols combined the cavalry tactics of the former nomads to form blitzkrieg, encircle and other tactics to concentrate the cavalry and give the army strong mobility and impact, which is said to be the inspiration of Hitler's Blitzkrieg.

In addition, they cleverly combined light cavalry with heavy cavalry: the light cavalry attacked first, and then the heavy cavalry crushed, creating a sweeping trend.

Third, the use of elite weapons. The Mongols used the longest range and most lethal combined bow at the time, which was not only short and easy to use for cavalry, but also had greater tension and longer range.

The categories of arrows are also complete, and the arrow type can be selected according to the battlefield situation to maximize the long-range lethality of the bow and arrow. Machetes and guns are super powerful, curved machetes, far more than the effect of stabbing weapons.

Fourth, use war to feed war and terror to fight. The ancients pay attention to war, soldiers and horses did not move, food and grass first, but the Mongolian army does not need to consider this problem. When they went out to fight, they directly caught up with the sheep, grazing and marching, drinking sheep's milk when they were thirsty, eating mutton when they were hungry, and plundering supplies when they reached their destination.

On the other hand, when it comes to combat, it implements a policy of terror. For example, once a city that resolutely resists is captured, a brutal slaughter is carried out; When the city did not resist, the young men in the city were sent to the army, and they were sent to the front line in the next war to become cannon fodder for the attack on another city.

Fifth, distribute spoils based on military merit. The Mongolian army does not pay, want to enjoy its success is impossible, only to kill the enemy to obtain property, which greatly stimulated the passion of fighting.

Although in "Qinyuan Spring Snow", Genghis Khan is described as a reckless man who only knows how to bend bows and shoot eagles, but as the founder of a super empire, he is not an idle person.

All over the world, this guy is an absolute super bull. His original name was Tiemuzhen and his honored title was "Genghis Khan", which means "the great chieftain who owns the four seas".

There is no doubt that such a thing as charisma is made for Temujin. His life is a magnificent epic, it is not too much to say that he is the perfect version of Guo Jing.

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