Is rhinitis summer treating effect good

We all know that allergic rhinitis occurs in spring and autumn, rather than the coldest winter, so why is summer the best time to treat rhinitis?

This starts with the allergic rhinitis itself.

First, the study found that allergic rhinitis patients belong to the Yang deficiency cold physique, they are afraid of cold, cold is easy to develop, often feel the limbs in winter, especially the hands and feet cold, winter is not willing to activity.

Second, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, such as runny nose, nasal itching, sneezing, pale nasal mucosa, multiple or aggravation in case of cold, are manifestations of cold syndrome.

Although winter is not the highest occurrence season of allergic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis is a typical winter disease, and naturally it is also in the range of summer treatment. So how should allergic rhinitis be treated in summer?

According to the principles of TCM treatment:

(1) "The cold is warm". Therefore, it is necessary to use warm drugs and tonics for treatment;

  1. Adapt to current conditions. Summer to encourage Yang as the purpose, and the dog days is the most positive season in a year, the same spirit, choose the dog days is appropriate;

(3) The nose is the entrance of the lung, the Du pulse lines the middle of the back spine, governing the whole body Yang pulse, Yang Qi all belong to this, Yang in the Yang, so the point selection of lung meridian and Du pulse, the effect is the most obvious, can significantly improve the human immune ability, fundamentally improve the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, play a multiplier effect;

(4) "urgent treatment of its symptoms, delayed treatment of its root", summer is not the disease season, for the remission period. Therefore, treatment at this time is a way to cure the root cause and has a positive significance in preventing the onset of disease. However, we should not give up the target treatment of acute phase and attack phase.

The effect of summer treatment of winter disease is good, but the treatment must be combined with the hot natural characteristics of summer, from the diet, medicine and living aspects of comprehensive recuperation:

First, multi-use warm supplement, careful use of dry products, to prevent Yin injury, summer climate is hot, easy to damage Yin liquid, and warm and dry products easily lead to dry heat inside, dark consumption of fluid, so should be careful to eat pepper, anise, cumin, dog meat and fresh longan and so on.

Second, avoid taking a large number of cold products, such patients have Yin cold inside sheng, and then eat a large number of cold products, it is easy to lead to damage to the Yang, and even damage a Yang, light will aggravate the condition, serious will cause Yang deficiency chronic disease.

Third, careful eating fat and greasy products, summer easy to produce summer humidity, the evil of damp and heat is easy to invade the human body, if you take a lot of fat and sweet products, it is easy to cause the evil of internal and external damp and heat to strike the human body.

Fourth, exercise the right amount, excessive exercise makes the human body sweat too much, resulting in Qi and Yin deficiency.

In this way, rhinitis must not be taken lightly, should pay attention to the following points:

1, active treatment, keep nasal smooth.

2, enhance physical fitness, prevent colds. Avoid air conditioning.

  1. Avoid getting stuck. Rhinitis patients should be actively treated, so as not to aggravate various chronic diseases.

  2. Self-care of nostril.

The first is massage. Gently press the Yingxiang point (the depression on both sides of the nose) with your finger and rotate it quickly, so repeat 20 times back and forth. Its purpose is to strengthen blood circulation in the nose, improve local nutrition and control allergic symptoms.

The second method is nasal washing. Many people know that washing the nose is of great benefit to the body, but the traditional "water flushing" washing the nose, the operation is very cumbersome, easy to choke water and clean not thoroughly, and even the operation is not standardized, which can easily lead to nasal mucosa congestion causing secondary injuries such as otitis media, so it is difficult to adhere to washing the nose. In addition, it is not recommended to rinse the nose with water, because the concentration of water and nasal mucosal secretions is not the same, water will penetrate the nasal mucosal cells, so that the nasal mucosa swelling, and then destroy the nasal mucosa.

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