【 Fashion opens aesthetic 】

In the subsequent trip to Shanghai, Pierre Cardin felt this sudden cooling of the air, not only the reception specifications were reduced, the reception staff was cold, the number of performances and the audience were also greatly reduced.

【 Fashion opens aesthetic 】

Although Pierre Cardin just arrived in China to encounter some cold air, but his bold and unique clothing design, but opened the eyes of Chinese clothing industry professionals. Beyond the dark blue grey-green MAO suits, they saw the colorful colors and styles from French fashion design, as well as the promising market in China.

After 1978, under the policy of "economic construction as the center," the political atmosphere changed. Zhou Changqing, president of Fashion magazine, said that the invitation of Pierre Cardin by the Ministry of Foreign Trade to visit China means that from the top down, people are beginning to pay attention to their clothes.

In the 1970s of the last century, Zhou Changqing, who was engaged in photography, said that before the reform, it was unimaginable that they would go to the art troupe to take photos of actors, and if the people in the photos fiddled with the posture, they would be criticized. Shoot a child actor's costume show, only the clothes, not the head, or they will be disciplined.

Pierre Cardin brought a shock wave of fashion shows, timely expression of people's political stability, the desire to dress and beauty, and gave birth to people's media and clothing research passion.

In 1980, smelling this sensitive air, a tall and handsome young propaganda officer of the Sample Publicity Department of the Ministry of Foreign Trade, through detailed planning, collected a lot of information,

and applied to the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade to establish a magazine "Fashion". This is the first fashion and fashion magazine in China, and the publicist is Cheng Tianbao, the first president of Fashion magazine.

Zhou Changqing, who often listened to his predecessors talk about the founding experience, said that when the publication was founded, the conditions were very simple, and there was a small room separated in the corridor of the old Ministry of Foreign Economic and Trade. When the magazine was founded, the magazine Cheng Tianbao was a person, holding a blue and red ballpoint pen, a blue, a red, a writing article, a proofreading article.

After the first magazine was printed, Cheng Tianbao launched his colleagues to sell it on the street, printed 400,000 copies of the first issue, priced at 0.6 yuan, published quarterly, published 4 copies a year, without color printing.

The publication of Fashion magazine attracted the attention of the world at that time. At that time, foreign media reported that the magazine, which introduced international clothes and costumes,

heralding a change in China's political climate and people's pursuit of quality of life, and commented that the publication of China Fashion magazine was no less than the explosion of an atomic bomb.

People were impressed that the "cutting map" at the back of each issue of Fashion magazine was the best and latest sample that many tailors learning to make clothes and girls often followed.

With the influence of Fashion, in 1983, the magazine organized the first "China Fashion Culture Award", collecting works and judging awards nationwide. The first girl to win the gold medal in the first year, now in the United States to continue to engage in clothing design industry.

In 1985, Fashion Magazine cooperated with Japan Culture and Fashion Institute, using Japanese teaching materials, to set up China's first clothing culture correspondence center, Zhou Changqing said, this is China's first clothing education major, training China's first group of fashion designers with professional quality.

By the end of the 1980s, new fashion and fashion magazines began to rise in China. The European "World Fashion Garden", the American "Fashion" magazine and the Japanese "Ruili" magazine have been launched in China, and this batch of fashion magazines have sprung up like mushrooms, intensifying the market competition of fashion magazines.

【 Popular clothing stage 】

Before that, China also had its own "popular clothing" - military uniforms, which were the coolest outfits for young people. In Beijing, anyone who has a set of "generals" will not only attract envy,but may even be robbed.

After the reform and opening up, the green military uniform with a strong ideology suddenly lost its glory. People need more period clothing.The suit became the first fashion of the new era.

Zhou Changqing said that the suit craze has gradually spread across the Yangtze River, cities and villages, and the popularity of suits is a reaction to the "old third suit" that has been prevalent for many years,

and the deep reason is based on the desire for political reform. "Fashion" quoted the "Tokyo Shimbun" article headline: "MAO suit, goodbye" (" Fashion "1983 special issue).

Famous designer Guo Pei recalled that in the 1980s just engaged in fashion design, she once designed a white one-button suit, using raw materials of 9 cents a meter of inventory tablecloth, after production,

"it sold well, selling fashion is like selling cabbage." Cadres in the organs, workers on the construction site, vegetable sellers in the market... All over the street, regardless of the crowd, it is popular to wear suits everywhere. "The whole society is white-collar."

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