Market "plus code" live with goods to help fashion consumption

The exhibition area of Hong Kong enterprises at the Consumer Fair reached a new high

"We are well known in the Guangdong market and are looking forward to opening up in other provinces." Haima (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. sales manager Zhong Yu 14 at the China International Consumer Goods Fair (referred to as "Consumer Fair") to Henan buyers to promote a neck pillow. He said that companies hope to use the expo to accelerate the north, deep cultivation of the mainland market.

At this year's Expo, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) set up the Hong Kong Fashion Pavilion, opening up three exhibition areas of food and health products, home life and personal care products, fashion trends, covering an area of 600 square meters, the largest exhibition scale in history.

Hong Kong TDC South China chief representative Huang Tianwei introduced that since the establishment of the Hong Kong Fashion Pavilion, Hong Kong enterprises have been participating in high enthusiasm, and nearly 40 brands participating this year cover food, health care products, fashion accessories, home life, personal care and other consumer goods.

Haima (Hong Kong) Limited is exhibiting for the first time this year. Zhong Yu said: "Quality and low price is the characteristic of Hong Kong goods, and I look forward to expanding the brand awareness through the exhibition."

"We came to the exhibition last year, the effect is very good, customers as far as the three provinces in the northeast." Huang Dasheng, chairman of Chang Kang Health Workshop Co., LTD.,

the main health food company, said that enterprises in the third fair to open up the market, 70% of sales are in the mainland, "just one day this year, it has already docked a lot of guests."

"The Expo is an excellent platform for Hong Kong enterprises to explore the market, providing exchange opportunities between Hong Kong businessmen and buyers." In an interview with reporters,

Huang Tianwei said that Hong Kong enterprises have enjoyed the dividends of the mainland's opening up of the big market, and enterprises hope to further north, explore the sinking market, and seize the national development opportunities.

The third time to participate in the consumer Expo, Deli watch Products Factory Co., Ltd. brand operations director Chen Xuanyun is coming to the docking of the local shopping mall to discuss settling matters.

"Our products are mainly targeted at fashion light luxury watches. In recent years, we have launched many new models through cross-border cooperation, which are loved by young people in the mainland."

Chen Xuanyun said that the company brought nearly 200 fashion watches to the exhibition, hoping to stabilize online sales channels at the same time, further expand the number of offline physical stores,

"focus on developing the central and western regions and northern markets."Shenzhen Fashion Week 2024 Autumn/Winter collection opens to shine the golden sign of "Fashion City"

On April 13, the Autumn/Winter series of Shenzhen Fashion Week 2024, sponsored by the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, organized by the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Commerce, undertaken by the Shenzhen Clothing Industry Association and co-organized by the district people's Government, was launched in Shenzhen, and the activities will last until April 21.

This fashion week takes the digital color red, green, blue three primary colors "RGB" as the creative theme, through the combination of the three primary colors, showing the infinite possibilities of Shenzhen fashion in the future.

Fashion adds "new" show mode to "climb to new"

At 19:00 on April 13, EITIE Aitai, with the theme of "City of Freedom", joined hands with its brand VIMAGE Weimanji to perform the opening show of the 2024 Autumn and Winter fashion, presenting an audiovisual feast for the audience.

In order to enhance the international influence of Shenzhen fashion industry, at the opening ceremony of this fashion Week, Shenzhen Fashion Week established strategic cooperation with Conde Nast Media Group, and Conde Nast Group plans to introduce a number of its internationally renowned IP projects to Shenzhen in the future.

At the opening ceremony, Shenzhen Garment Industry Association and SEEC jointly launched the "Bay Area Fashion Industry Research Center" to establish a bridge connecting the government, industry and market by integrating the advantages of the industry association in the real estate industry, the think tank and expert resources of SEEC Media Group, and the research and communication capabilities of Caijing.

Market "plus code" live with goods to help fashion consumption

"Both show and sale, show and sale is one of the biggest highlights of this fashion week. I hope that through fashion week, more 'show goods' can be transformed into' sale goods', stimulate consumption, and help Shenzhen to build an international consumer center city." Pan Ming, president of Shenzhen Garment Industry Association, said.

This fashion week and Jingdong Clothing, Tiktok, Kuaishou and other e-commerce, content social platforms deep linkage, started the Shenzhen Fashion Week "live e-commerce carnival", to show the world the latest design trend of Shenzhen, to bring consumers more diversified consumption experience.

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