Can vitamin supplement prevent heart disease

I'm sure you've heard your mother's nagging: "Eat more fruits and vegetables for vitamins."

However, the pace of modern life is fast, and it is easier to spend time buying, cleaning and cooking than to eat a few vitamin tablets.

Therefore, in this era of national health, in addition to the thermos cup of wolfberry, taking various vitamin tablets is also sought after by many middle-aged and elderly people and even young people.

For example, vitamins are essential elements for the human body, and their effects are countless: prevent aging, promote immunity, prevent heart disease, and even fight cancer...

Are these benefits real or false?

Preventing aging and boosting immune function, two things that are harder to quantify, let's not say.

And heart disease and cancer, are disease categories, supplement vitamin tablets, can have a role?

Unfortunately, the effects of vitamin supplements on preventing heart disease and cancer are not clear.

You might also hope that taking vitamin pills will, if not prevent heart disease and cancer, at least strengthen the body and do no harm.

Again, I'm sorry to say that there is good evidence that taking vitamin E does not help prevent heart disease and cancer. Beta-carotene supplementation in those who smoke increases the risk of lung cancer and also increases the risk of death from heart disease or stroke.

As a result, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recently issued a statement against the prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer through vitamin E and beta carotene supplementation, while the benefits and risks of multivitamins and their single or combined nutrients for the prevention of heart disease and cancer are unclear.

So, are vitamin supplements really not good for the body? Is Mom's nagging not scientific? It's not!

A 2019 study of 27,000 adults found that adequate nutrient intake was associated with a lower risk of death, with moderate intake of vitamin K and magnesium, for example, associated with a lower risk of death; Moderate intake of vitamin A, vitamin K, and zinc is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular death.

However, it is important to note that the association between these nutrients and the risk of all-cause death and cardiovascular death was limited to food sources, not additional supplements.

Looks like the "perfect supplement" vitamin tablets still eat? The answer is: eat more fruits and vegetables.

In other words, your mom was right to tell you to eat more fruits and vegetables!

You know, even astronauts in the space capsule, in such a unique living environment, they only need vitamin D supplements because the spacecraft's protective layer keeps them out of the sun.

So, we reiterate this point again, extra vitamins, as well as eat more fruits and vegetables! For the average person, a healthy diet rich in vegetables, nuts, whole grains and fruits is better for health than supplements, and vitamin tablets cannot replace the nutrients in food.

Of course, for the special population with nutritional deficiencies, additional nutritional supplements should be carried out on the basis of improving diet nutrition according to the doctor's advice.

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