The practice of circular fashion

When clothes are damaged, can we give priority to repairing them and extending their life instead of throwing them away?

If the clothes are outdated and want to change the style, can the designer provide the design scheme of transformation and upgrading, so that consumers can transform the product according to their own needs and fashion trends, and give it new functions and styles?

In addition, the involvement of circular business models is also key. The traditional way to consume clothing is to buy it, wear it a few times, and then throw it away.

This consumption pattern not only wastes resources, but also creates "garbage" that puts enormous pressure on the environment.

And circular fashion advocates second-hand, sharing, renting and other ways.

No matter which form, it is hoped that this garment can continue to exercise its mission, pass it between people who really need it, and get more use value.

Production and inventory have always been a big problem for independent designers, Ding continues: At present, both the market and the supply chain are in a period of active transformation. Between the market and the supply chain, the brand needs to better understand its customer base and the market, make promotion planning and sales prediction at the market end, receive market feedback with a small amount of production inventory in the early stage, and reduce inventory and resource waste as well as the problem of handling out-of-season products. Establish and maintain stable relationships with supply chain partners aligned with sustainable values; The business model of a small amount of inventory combined with pre-sale and customization is currently a more balanced way in my opinion.

Eventually, the cloth will come to its own end.

But circular fashion gives it a second chance: if the cloth can be recycled into new fabrics or other products, it can continue to generate new value.

The designer should consider the recycling of materials in the design stage, and choose the joint method that can be decomposed and recycled in order to separate and recycle different materials.

Or cooperate with recycling agencies to establish fabric recycling channels to ensure that waste fabrics are effectively recycled and reused.

By thinking about all aspects of the circular economy throughout the design process, designers can promote sustainable development and efficient use of resources, and integrate circular economy concepts into the fashion industry.

Promoting sustainability is also the same as promoting innovation, and innovation itself is the business of the fashion industry.

Circular fashion encourages designers to look for new ideas and solutions, giving more possibilities to every piece of fabric.

Circular fashion is not only a concept, but also an action.

While material manufacturers, designers, and brands promote sustainability, consumers cannot be left out, and their choices and behaviors are critical to driving circular fashion.

Consumers can support circular fashion by choosing to buy sustainable products, supporting second-hand fashion and participating in clothing recycling.

This part of the force is huge, only the active participation and support of consumers, circular fashion can truly achieve sustainable development.

Each of us can be partners with the planet and support circular fashion by changing our own consumption habits and behaviors.

So what choices do you make on this journey to support a more sustainable future?

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