A TV series about the fashion media industry

There are also specific and appropriate reasons for the choices she doesn't like, from the cover girl to the photographer to the party ingredients. One shot makes the audience understand that this leader really deserves two hundred percent spirit from his subordinates.

On the other hand, in terms of clothing, it is also more or less impractical.

Chen Kaiyi often appears covered with prints and Xiao Hongxue always rich color modeling, not fashionable, and many times the temperament of the characters and actors themselves is in conflict.

Even in the fashion industry, everyone comes to work, generally showing personal taste and low-key texture. Like Song Jia himself outside the play dress, it is more in line with some.

Then there's Li Na, the intern played by Song Zuer, who makes a stereotypical appearance as a bumpkin, with predictable moments of her colleagues pointing and mocking her. (In fact, there's not that much attention paid to what the unfamiliar intern wears to the interview, since everyone is so busy.)

Although she finally adapted to the work unexpectedly, transformed into a fashionable person, on the one hand is a small editor who shares a house with others and later even moves to a shabby basement, on the other hand, the whole body is highly recognizable Gucci items from bags to coats, and the sense of separation is very heavy.

In addition, the timeline of the play is set around 2016, and the top shopping mall opened in 2019 not only appeared in the play, but also the bag launched in the spring and summer of 2020 on Chen Kaiyi. There are many more such stereotypes in roles and deviations in details.

Workplace dramas are more or less "behind closed doors", in order to see how the show shaped the real working lives of fashion media people, it is a little disappointing to get such a presentation.

Originally wanted to abandon the drama, but the more I looked back, the more I found that in addition to the part about fashion, "All Dressed up" is itself a workplace group drama series "about her".

The main line of the story revolves around the editor-in-chief dispute between Chen Kaiyi and Xiao Hongxue, and the game mediation between the two sides is inevitable.

The false sisterhood of the original pair's first scene has made many people mistakenly think that "All Dressed up" is just a modern "palace drama." At first, the dense "declaration of war" in the lines is actually annoying at first, after all, who makes such a daily noise with their competitors?

As the story deepens, the story of dog blood is still there, but the perception slowly changes.

Because these harsh words are not formal slogans, and the point is not to win over the other side, but the forceful declaration of their firm position between the two editors.

Chen Kaiyi, in feeling and reason is the best choice for the editor, her understanding of the "dress up" this magazine and years of struggle for the accumulation of emotions is no one can compare.

She is the spiritual core of "All Dressed Up", representing the media thinking of sticking to the content first.

Years of hard work, for the company made great contributions, and finally to stay up, but was parachuted into the boss, I believe that this is a lot of workplace people are quite resonant place.

The airborne chief editor Xiao Hongxue is actually more like a successful businessman, with his communication skills and family background, the commercialization of the magazine has done well.

She knows more about winning people over and making money than she does about content.

More subtly, the show is set in 2016, a crucial stage in the transformation of the traditional media industry.

Do a good job of maintaining the level of content, or embrace traffic and business in exchange for funds for long-term development, both sides have their own reasons and considerations, and can not say that one party is absolutely right.

In general, the drama of the struggle between the two women always has to tear a bloody head, and both sides are hurt. At "All Dressed Up," it was clear from the start that endless infighting and infighting would not be good for the magazine's future.

Under this rational presupposition, they are not fighting for fighting, but maintaining their professional beliefs with power.

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