Fashion is no longer a form, but a way of life

Fashion is no longer limited to the dresses and dresses on the runway, the beads and shadows on the temples, it integrates into life from different dimensions, bringing excitement to our ordinary, numb and ordinary life.

In the eyes of many people, fashion is too bright and gorgeous, but the city painting king believes that fashion has nothing to do with complexity and onerous, on the contrary, it is like a piece of white paper that can be remembered by the luxury into the simple. Only by returning to the "fashion" produced by daily life can we collide with infinite possibilities.

The rise of the "activists" in the tide of new Chinese furniture, the clever and soft Chinese elements and modern materials, stands out in the Nordic wind and ins wind home market. New Chinese style is not a simple pile of retro elements, more based on the traditional Chinese classical culture as the background, to modern aesthetic needs to create a living space. Looking at the traditional fashion, sometimes often can bring new inspiration and surprise.

In the face of the rapid growth of a new generation of young people, personalized and diversified fashion attitudes, and the rapid development of Internet technology, the sparks of both have an important impact on the development of fashion and business. Who knows, you can find a business opportunity to become the next generation of 95 million dollars.

But how to blend fashion into a boring life? Struggling to find the momentum for a new business model? Let's start by paying attention to the City Illustrated New Power Awards!

As the leader of urban trend culture, City Illustrated cooperated with dozens of media from the brand culture, creative thinking, open cooperation, brand influence and other aspects of selection, and finally selected 4 innovative business platforms with unique thinking and 3 most representative fashion platforms.

The deep cultivation of the industrial model makes it more accurate to grasp the current business needs, and the cross-border buyer system is integrated with Eastern aesthetics and new business models, which radiates new commercial vitality.

VVSTAR is a new startup platform that is also creating a lifestyle of footwear boutique culture. Its integration of cross-border high-quality resources, supporting professional products, technology, service support, so that everyone can realize the dream of entrepreneurship.

VVSTAR's "V" stands for VMe (brand), VIP (Member service), Victory (Victory); Star means that each person is a unique star, and the power of the individual can be condensed into a fiery light.

With high-end technology, products and service support, VVSTAR is destined to attract attention. This is not only a representative of the new business model and entity innovation transformation, but also conveys the concern of women's self-value realization.

Every woman can become an entrepreneur and demonstrate her self-worth through VVSTAR. If you already have a full-time job, you may wish to do a VVSTAR studio online as a hobby, a strong industrial brand background for you to ship, after sales, independent and transparent settlement methods at a glance.

If you want to have a dedicated offline space, VVSTAR can also match your own design and provide comprehensive training services. The biggest advantage of offline space is face-to-face communication, which is your space and a meeting room for good ideas.

On the VVSATR platform, anyone can start a business with zero cost, zero inventory pressure and zero distance service. The complete promotion mechanism can protect the rights of entrepreneurs, more than 200 high-end physical stores in the country as storage services, can be one-click delivery; The support of professional customer service can eliminate a lot of repeated communication for entrepreneurs; The platform also encourages individuals to become 'buyers', and the products you select and recommend have the opportunity to be displayed in front of the public. In the future, VVSTAR will cultivate 10,000 studios and 1,000,000 entrepreneurs to create a lifestyle of footwear boutique culture for the whole society.

On the basis of VVSTAR platform, the offline studio will bring more space for star entrepreneurs. According to the studio image formed by the five elements, customize the exclusive exhibition and display space, create the tea art atmosphere, and carry out integrated marketing. So as to gradually achieve de-intermediation, deep service and cross-border entrepreneurship.

Take beauty as the core, enrich the unique cultural ecology through cross-field interaction, and integrate innovative ideas into the brand DNA.

BADMARKET is a collection of contemporary lifestyle stores with a design house as the backdrop. Through the combination of classic and modern, fashionable design, we encourage people to embrace a diversified lifestyle, make life unique, beautiful, forward and energetic, and provide a meaningful space scene for those who are passionate about fashion creativity, respect good design and pay attention to life taste.

BADMARKET focuses on selected content in the field of contemporary lifestyle, including cultural and creative products, fashion clothing, specialty coffee and more. In terms of product selection, BADMARKET strives to find the world's best, most design and creative high-quality original brands, and cooperate with them to present selected products to customers.

Through the professional use of lighting, better interpretation of humanistic care, light brings not only the lighting of space, but also the unremitting pursuit of quality of life.

Geosheen is a company specializing in the development and production of high-end interior lighting products. As an outstanding lighting designer, Geosheen is an expert in interpreting the intentions and ideas of space designers through the professional use of lighting. It is not only the lighting of space, but also an interpretation and expression of brand culture.

In the product display, the professional lighting can better reflect the positioning of the product and highlight the brand value of the product. Geosheen is designed to create a comfortable shopping environment through the clever use of lighting to show the brand and product characteristics more clearly in the space.

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