"What is fashion?" What can be called fashion in real life? How important is fashion to life?

Before the TV just came out, the big guys watch TV together is fashionable, everyone buy TV to watch TV that is called fashion; The rise of the Internet, the Internet will chat is fashionable, everyone is inseparable from the Internet every day, the Internet is fashion.

Fashion is a generally accepted and pursued state of life in this era, while obsolescence is a state of life that is readily available and not desired by everyone. The pursuer of fashion is the promoter of fashion.

For example, when the idea of female liberation spread in the Republic of China, it was not acceptable to expose one's arms; However, in a short period of more than ten years, everyone can accept and respect the improved cheongsam with exposed arms and legs, which is considered to be a sign of young women with knowledge. Until now, we have always believed that the standard of clothing in the Republic of China is the improved cheongsam, which is what we understand as the fashion of the Republic of China.

Now in China, the modernization process has gone on for a long time, and the streets are full of industrial production of T-shirts, sweaters, etc., which was also a fashion at the time.

It's so easy to wear t-shirts these days, we want nice prints (and for a while machine embroidery), and beautiful, sophisticated clothes are the way to go.

Like online shopping, ordering takeout, online car, etc., these are now fashion, may become outdated later, I have not believed that "fashion is a cycle" this sentence, this sentence is a little narrow, fashion is impossible to come again.

We can't go back to the days when BB machines were popular.

The probability of fashion reincarnation is just the result of the weak innovation of fashion trendsetter, there is no major scientific and technological, literary, aesthetic breakthrough, so the creation can only keep absorbing the previous things to create. Retro style is not a fashion, but an outdated classic.

But why does everyone always agree that fashion is cyclical? In essence, fashion is about the fight for the right to speak, who holds the social status and power, who can redefine fashion.

(Scientific and technological progress is bound to control productivity and wealth, so the fashion brought by science and technology is unstoppable.) In the fashion industry, the most typical is that high luxury groups control most of the discourse.

There are advocates of fast fashion, there are advocates of environmentalism, there are advocates of brand supremacy, and there are advocates of product first, many core things are opposite, but indeed everyone can think of fashion.

I think I have seen a lot of differences recently, and the voices of different people on the Internet are more and more heard, and more and more can not be heard, but at least it will affect our definition of fashion.

Clothing, food, home decoration, electronic products, information sources, movies, entertainment fashion, cultural and artistic products, speech words, thinking concepts, consumption patterns... Fashion is everywhere.

Society is like a big river, slow and quick, straight and bent, but the pace never stops, but when people reach a certain age, they will begin to conservative, unwilling to follow the waves forward.

If fashion is abandoned on all fronts, it will be washed ashore.

So, at least hold a few positions, I think the most important is electronic products and cultural and artistic products, so that you can keep the concept of fashion.

Fashion trends are very mixed, which also distinguish the good and bad, understand various trends, from the good to the bad, and train the fire eye. Not to go with the flow, but to enjoy the feeling of rushing forward.

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