How to add 0~3 year old baby complementary food? To master 2 principles to avoid 3 misunderstandings

The baby's daily milk volume can reach more than 1000ml, and the feeding times are 8 to 10 times; No milk cloves in the stool, no signs of food indigestion. With the above conditions, it shows that the baby not only has the spleen and stomach developed to the "complementary food stage", but all aspects of the body are also growing well, and you can begin to prepare the first complementary food.

Generally speaking, these situations will appear after the baby is 6 months old, so a healthy baby can start to add complementary foods after 6 months. But if the baby has not appeared in the above situation for the time being, or was born premature, usually digestion has been very poor, do not worry about adding complementary food, you can wait until 7 months, 8 months. The baby will not become stupid and stunted because of the late addition of complementary foods. We have to wait for the baby's digestive system to be ready.

Note that the first complementary food is not equal to "completely open the gate", but a test of the spleen and stomach. After eating the first meal, immediately observe the digestion of the baby on the second day, and stop immediately if there are signs of discomfort. Even if complementary food has become a daily feeding habit, it is necessary to observe the baby's digestion every day: there is an abnormal tongue coating, breath, stool, sleep, it is necessary to reduce the amount and type of complementary food, and even stop first, and try again after digestion.

The addition of complementary foods should be gradual and master 2 principles to avoid 3 misunderstandings

Add complementary food to the baby, be sure to follow the rules, can not step to the "stomach".

Principle 1: From less to more

For babies who are new to foods other than breast milk or powdered milk, any new food is a new challenge for the gut. In the first week, the baby can eat rice paste, nutritious rice flour or rice oil and other well-digested semi-liquid food, and the amount should be small, one to two spoons of a meal is good. After a period of time, when the baby ADAPTS, there is no problem in digestion, and then add other food to the rice paste, the amount can also be slightly more.

Principle 2: From thin to thick

Although the baby's spleen and stomach function is relatively mature after 6 months, it is still weak. In the process of adding complementary foods, parents prefer easy to digest food, mainly liquid. With the gradual maturation of chewing and swallowing function, you can occasionally give 1 meal of soft food with residue and block within 1 week in the case of good digestion to exercise your baby's oral motor ability.

Misunderstanding 1: Stew soup nutrition from small supplement

Do not think about giving the baby a good foundation, it is necessary to change the pattern to eat a variety of complementary foods. Many parents think that the soup is good for digestion, but forget whether the nutrition in the pot is overloaded for the baby if it is added. Soup with meat cooked together, easy to thick greasy, excess nutrition. This is why some children are getting worse and worse when they eat soup. What you think of as "clear soup and oligowater", the baby's spleen and stomach cannot accept it.

Mistake 2: "healthy snacks" as complementary foods

"Children who do not want to eat can rely on healthy snacks to replenish their energy." There are always parents like to buy finger cookies, puffs, beans and other small snacks for children to eat. Is not "0 added", really dare not say. Moreover, infant snacks instead of meals, the baby is more reluctant to eat, nutrition can not be guaranteed.

Myth 3: Drink juice several times a day

"Juice is rich in vitamins, can you drink more as a complementary food?" Fruit loses a lot of cellulose after being pressed into juice, and drinking juice will increase blood sugar greatly, which is easy to cause obesity and dental caries. Therefore, drink less juice, if you want to supplement vitamins, you can not choke in the baby's age, such as 9 months later, will be easier to digest, soft taste of the fruit, cut into small pieces directly to eat.

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