Why drink fresh homemade soy milk? The best vegetable protein is it

With the continuous improvement of living standards, people pay more attention to healthy diet. Especially this year, the epidemic has hit, so that people are more concerned about protein intake. In addition to animal protein such as meat, eggs and milk, experts suggest that the soy protein contained in fresh homemade soy milk is a plant-based complete protein, which is not only equivalent to animal protein in nutritional value, but also closer to human amino acids in genetic structure, which is the most nutritious high-quality plant protein.

The only plant protein source on the list, homemade soy milk is easier to absorb healthy 0 additions

Protein is essential to sustain life, and lack of protein can show symptoms such as muscle weakness and decreased immunity. The nutritional value of food protein depends on the type and amount of amino acids contained, complete protein contains a complete variety of essential amino acids, sufficient quantity, appropriate proportion, not only to maintain the health of adults, but also to promote the growth and development of children.

Because the Chinese people's eating habits are mainly grain, it is easy to cause protein deficiency. With the exception of meat, eggs and milk, complete protein is found only in soybeans. The Chinese Nutrition Society has published the "Top ten food list of high-quality protein", soybean is the only vegetable source protein on the list.

Fresh homemade soy milk is more conducive to the supplement of high-quality vegetable protein

The protein content of soy products is about 38% or more, which is 4 to 5 times that of cereals. Soybean protein is a complete protein of plant nature, which can be equivalent to animal protein in nutritional value, and is also the closest to human amino acids in genetic structure, and is the most nutritious plant protein. At the same time, experts also said that grinding soybeans into soy milk, it is easier to decompose protein into amino acids, and healthy 0 added, adhere to drinking every day, more conducive to supplementing high-quality plant protein, balanced dietary nutrition.

The machine does not need to wash, beans do not need to soak, soy milk does not need to filter, the new generation of Jiuyang soy milk machine does not need to wash by hand to help you supplement high-quality vegetable protein anytime and anywhere

However, in the fast-paced life, I really do not want to spend more than an hour to wash beans, soak beans, grind, filter residue, cleaning, but also do not want to use roadside stalls and instant granules to fool my health, how to do?

Don't worry, the soy milk machine has changed.

Jiuyang new generation do not wash soybean milk machine K series, the machine does not need to wash, beans do not need to soak, soy milk does not need to filter, as long as you want to drink the ingredients into the machine, a key start, as soon as 5 minutes, soy milk will automatically flow into the slurry cup. What's more, when you enjoy the delicious soy milk, it will automatically sense, water from the rear tank automatic cleaning, but also a key hot drying to remove bacteria, completely free hands.

Make an appointment before going to bed, get up early with a cup of steaming fresh soy milk, and then you can go to work; Tired and hungry between work, you can come to a cup at any time, fresh high-quality plant protein, to help you unlock the health of the whole family anytime and anywhere, is it? Come and upgrade your soya milk machine!

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