Allergic rhinitis is more than just a few more sneezes

Winter is a relatively high incidence of rhinitis season, especially the very seasonal allergic rhinitis is more likely to appear in winter. Many people do not pay enough attention to allergic rhinitis, think that just a few more sneezes, runny nose, endure the past, there is no need for treatment, and can not be cured. In fact, this is a misunderstanding of allergic rhinitis.

Repeated attacks of allergic rhinitis will drag into "five-sense disease"

Many patients with allergic rhinitis are mild, an attack of the condition, sneezing, runny nose, nose a little itchy is a common thing, does not affect life, often ignore the disease, delay treatment.

There are also some allergic rhinitis patients think that rhinitis can not be cured, and do not have hope for treatment. These are actually misunderstandings about rhinitis treatment.

Allergic rhinitis is not a small problem, once developed to moderate and severe, nasal symptoms will occur repeatedly, affect work and study during the day, can not sleep at night, patients suffering.

It is noteworthy that patients with allergic rhinitis are also prone to allergic asthma, allergic conjunctivitis and otitis media and other diseases, if not actively treated, will seriously affect the quality of life of patients.

Allergic rhinitis often occurs repeatedly, which is related to environmental factors. Patients with allergies once had allergic reactions due to contact with allergens, and then they will cause symptoms as long as they are exposed to allergens again. For example, pollen allergies are more frequent in spring and autumn, while allergens such as dust mites and molds exist all year round, leading to allergic rhinitis.

On the other hand, allergic rhinitis can not be standardized treatment or not according to the doctor's advice, it is also easy to relapse, like a burning flame, the drug to suppress the flame, once irregular medication, it is easy to resurgent.

Current treatments can effectively control the symptoms of allergic rhinitis

At present, it is a fact that allergic rhinitis cannot be cured, but through standardized drug treatment, combined with immunotherapy when necessary, it can be effectively controlled, thereby improving the quality of life of patients.

Among them, drug treatment is symptomatic treatment, can relieve patients sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, nasal itching and other uncomfortable symptoms; Immunotherapy is the treatment of causes, which can achieve immune tolerance to allergens by regulating immune function, reduce the sensitivity of patients to allergens, and thus reduce the onset of rhinitis.

Drugs are the main means to treat allergic rhinitis at present. First-line clinical drugs include nasal spray hormone, nasal spray antihistamines, oral antihistamines and oral leukotriene receptor antagonists. These drugs play a role in different links of allergic rhinitis.

If you have mild intermittent rhinitis, one or two nasal spray hormones and an oral antihistamine can do a good job of alleviating symptoms. If rhinitis develops to mild and persistent or moderate to severe (intermittent and persistent), it is often necessary to combine nasal spray with nasal spray antihistamine or leukotriene receptor antagonist on the basis of nasal spray hormone and oral antihistamine. The medication will be repeated after 2-4 weeks, and the doctor will adjust the medication according to the improvement degree of the patient. Continue to take the drug for 4 weeks, you can appropriately reduce the dose.

If the improvement of symptoms is not satisfactory, the amount of medication can be appropriately increased to improve symptoms. Sometimes, if the nasal congestion is particularly serious, short-term use of nasal decongestants can improve nasal ventilation at the same time, but also conducive to nasal spray hormones to better play a role.

If the nasal discharge is particularly large, you can add ipratropium bromide to inhibit nerve reflex and reduce secretion production to relieve symptoms.

During the treatment process, the most important thing is to adhere to regular medication, regular follow-up, standardized treatment for a period of time, not intermittent medication, but not to see the effect is good on their own to stop the drug, which will greatly affect the efficacy of the drug.

For patients with unsatisfactory drug effects or who are not willing to take drugs for a long time, immunotherapy can be considered. Immunotherapy is also called desensitization therapy, which is a treatment for specific allergens. Patients must be checked to determine which allergens they are allergic to.

Immunotherapy is more suitable for patients with clear allergens and fewer types of immunotherapy, immunotherapy is a long-term process, generally taking 3 years, including subcutaneous immunotherapy and sublingual immunotherapy two pathways. Sometimes, medication can be used in tandem with immunotherapy.

Moderate nasal irrigation and early medication can help prevent rhinitis

For patients with allergic rhinitis, it is necessary to establish the concept of preventive medication in advance. For example, for hay fever patients, the high incidence of hay fever occurs in April and May of spring and August and September of autumn every year.

If patients know which season their symptoms are more likely to appear, they can take medicine, including nasal spray and oral medicine, two weeks in advance until the end of the allergy season, and try to suppress the burning flame of allergic rhinitis.

In addition to medication, nasal irrigation during allergy season is also a good preventive aid. The nasal mucosa of patients with allergic rhinitis is sensitive and fragile, and it is beneficial to take care of the nasal mucosa by means of nasal irrigation during the allergy season. However, it should be noted that there is a layer of mucus on the surface of the nasal mucosa, which has a protective effect. The irrigation should not be excessive or too frequent, otherwise the barrier effect of the mucus will be destroyed.

Air pollution occurs more frequently in winter, and this external odor stimulation and particulate matter stimulation may damage the mucosa and even cause inflammation.

Therefore, in case of polluted weather, allergic rhinitis patients should reduce outdoor activities, wear protective masks, and minimize the exposure of nasal mucosa to air pollution particles. In addition, nasal irrigation can also be used to remove particles that have entered the nasal cavity and are attached to the nasal mucosa to reduce the stimulation of the mucosa.

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