Baby love to pick nose how to do

"Why does the baby always pick his nose and can't stop it?" Whenever you see the baby trembling little finger "explore" their small nasal cavity, many parents have this doubt.

In the dry and cold winter, there are more heating equipment such as floor heating and air conditioning in families and offices, and many people feel that the nasal cavity is dry and itchy, especially children. Children's nasal capillaries are delicate, the liquid of the nasal mucosa evaporates relatively quickly, the nasal cavity will be dry and itchy due to lack of water, often involuntarily pick the nose, the result is easy to cause problems such as nose bleeding.

Causes of nose-picking behavior

There are many reasons why children pick their noses, including external triggers, intranasal lesions, and psychological factors:

External incentives baby nostrils suddenly into the foreign body, irritating items close to the nostrils or insects and other bites around the nose, resulting in nostrils and nose tip and other parts of the discomfort, the baby naturally want to find a way to "solve" this discomfort.

Nasal lesions due to rhinitis, nasal vestibulitis, cold and cold caused by increased nasal discharge, the baby wants to "clean up" it.

Psychological factors The baby is derived from curiosity and imitation, and learns similar behaviors from the children around him or his family.

Picking your nose too often is harmful

From time to time, your fingers will attach to various bacteria and even viruses, and the act of picking your nose is equivalent to "personally" sending them into the nasal cavity.

Although under normal circumstances, the immune system will destroy them, but if the baby is in a period of poor immunity, or accidentally picked the skin, it may cause infection.

Not only that, the nasal mucosa is rich in capillaries, even if the skin is not broken, picking the nose itself may cause damage to the nasal mucosa, and even cause bleeding. Over time, nasal defenses are reduced and infections are more likely.

In addition, while the baby is picking his nose, he may also try to remove the nose hair out of curiosity. Nose hair is an important barrier against dust and pathogens entering the body. Random plucking of nose hair will not only reduce the baby's resistance, but also easily cause hair follicle inflammation.

How to clean the nasal cavity correctly

Since "picking your nose" is not advisable, how should you clean your nasal cavity? The following methods can be referred to:

Cleaning the nostrils should not be too frequent, it is recommended to carry out once a day and night, when washing the face with a clean wet towel or face towel to squeeze some warm water into the baby's nasal cavity, so that the nasal cavity is wet, and then let the baby blow secretions; For infants who cannot blow their nose, try using a nasal aspirator.

Nasal congestion, nasal itching how to do

When it is winter, the air is dry, if the baby feels a dry nose, nose congestion, it will inevitably unconsciously pick his nose. Here are 3 ways to relieve the nose discomfort:

Warm compress the baby's face with a towel and gently press the nose with your fingers to relieve sinus congestion.

The use of humidifier trace moisture can relieve nasal discomfort, indoor air humidity control at 40% of the most appropriate. It should be reminded that the humidifier should be cleaned regularly to avoid bacterial growth.

Saline cleaning If there is an inflammatory reaction in the nose, proper saline cleaning can relieve nasal congestion symptoms, because it does not contain pharmaceutical ingredients, and is more suitable for children, but it must be noted that it is used according to the doctor's advice and cannot be over-cleaned.

In addition to the above "palliative" methods, parents also need to pay attention to helping the baby develop good living habits in daily life, creating a clean and sanitary environment, preventing disease from the "root cause", so that the baby does not do "small sloppy", healthy and comfortable growth.

If there are large secretions or hard lumps in the nasal cavity, it is recommended to clean and soften with water, and then clean with cotton swabs; You can also apply oil medicines such as erythromycin ointment, wet it and then clean it up. Be sure to operate gently to avoid damaging the baby's nasal mucosa.

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