Don't cough or clear your throat habitually

  1. Do not smoke and avoid inhaling second-hand smoke.

  2. Do not habitually cough or use force to clear the throat, these actions will make the rapid airflow to produce a huge impact on the vocal cords, increasing the degree of wear.

  3. Speak at a normal volume and avoid yelling, yelling, or speaking at the top of your voice. When you need to speak to a lot of people, try to use microphones and loudspeakers to cope with insufficient volume, which is conducive to protecting your voice.

  4. When speaking, you should sit up or stand up straight, raise your chest to open the chest, make the air flow in and out more smoothly, and speak in the most natural and least strenuous way.

  5. Try to speak easily with the abdomen (i.e., the skin), and do not speak with the chest or tense the neck muscles.

  6. Keep your emotions stable and avoid using your voice to vent your depression.

In addition, the daily should also be appropriate to drink warm water, light tea, but not to drink too much at a time, it is best to drink once in a while, a small number of times.

Try to drink less hot water, coffee, strong tea, spirits, eat less ice cream, especially after a long time to avoid unnecessary stimulation.

Four ways to learn how to use your voice correctly

  1. Breathing exercises

Stand naturally, eyes level, shoulders, chest, arms relaxed, hands overlapping, palm on the "Dantian point" (4 fingers under the umbilical) position.

During exhalation, the umbilicus and umbilicus are forced to concave inward, while during inhalation, the umbilicus and umbilicus are forced to protrude outward, exhaling and inhaling each 16 times per minute. Practice 20 minutes a day for a week.

  1. Yawning technique

Just as you would with a yawn, open your teeth easily and naturally, raise your palate, and take a deep breath. Remember, don't close your mouth as soon as you've taken in enough air, but stay still, imagining you're still breathing in, for as long as you can before you relax.

This move can be practiced anytime, anywhere. If you are in a public place, it is not convenient to "yawn", you can also do the silent yawn exercise.

  1. Tongue extension and relaxation

Look up and open the mouth, relax the jaw, so that the upper lip naturally opens up, the jaw joint then loosens, the mouth is erect duck egg shape, and then let the tongue naturally forward, feeling that the root of the tongue will push the tongue out, the tip of the tongue as much as possible to relax, and then naturally shrink. Repeat the exercise 20 to 30 times per group, 4 to 5 groups per day.

  1. Flat forward beep method

Keep your upper body steady, close your lips naturally, inhale deeply, and air is emitted from your lungs. When you exhale, your lips vibrate and your vocal cords vibrate forward, making a beep sound.

This action relaxes the vocal cords. Repeat the exercise 20 times per group, 3 to 4 sets per day.

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