On the same day, the US warship entered the territorial waters of the Xisha Islands, backed the Philippines, and gambled that China would not dare to start?

The Philippine military has launched its first maritime air patrol with Australia within the Philippines' exclusive economic zone. Prior to this, the Philippines has just carried out joint patrols with the United States in the South China Sea and other waters. Just finished the South China Sea cruise of the United States and the Philippines, and the joint cruise with Australia, and the scope of the cruise is still extended from Palawan island to Ren 'ai Reef. This isn't about China. What is it? With the support of the United States, the Marcos government is now rampant with the naked eyes, completely ignoring the warning of the Chinese side, insisting on sending warships to enter the vicinity of the Ren 'ai Reef without the permission of the Chinese government, and even intensified, and united the United States and Australia in the waters at China's doorstep to provoke and shout. Did you conclude that China would not dare to act? In my opinion, the United States is more brazen than the Philippines.

On the first day of maritime and air patrols by the Philippines and Australia, the US ship was expelled by the Chinese side after it was revealed that it had illegally entered China's territorial waters off the Xisha Islands. According to the spokesman of the Southern Theater Command of the People's Liberation Army, the guided-missile destroyer USS Hopper illegally entered China's territorial waters off the Xisha Islands without the approval of the Chinese government on the same day. In response, the Southern Theater Command immediately organized naval and air forces to track and monitor the US warship in accordance with laws and regulations, and warned to drive away. Ironically, in the face of China's response, the US Navy's Seventh Fleet actually said that the operation of the US warship is in accordance with international law in the South China Sea near the Xisha Islands to conduct "freedom of navigation", is in this way to further declare navigation rights and freedom.

But is there really such a thing as "freedom of navigation"? That is just the same old American way of challenging China. The US seriously infringes on China's sovereignty and security. To put it bluntly, it is seeking hegemony in navigation, and it is another ironproof that it is a risk maker in the South China Sea. No matter how the United States quips and talks hard, it has fully demonstrated that the United States is a "saboteur" of peace and stability in the South China Sea.

Of course, the confusion is that every time the US military has provoked China's sovereignty before, it has run away after being warned by the Chinese side. This time, the Southern Theater command has been warned away, and the US Navy's Seventh Fleet dares to preach the so-called "freedom of navigation", which is somewhat strange. Is it that the Americans think that China is easy to bully, so they have intensified their efforts to provoke China? As mentioned earlier, the US warship entered the territorial waters of the Xisha Islands on the same day that the Philippines and Australia held sea and air patrols. With the urgent desire of the United States to support the Philippines, it cannot be ruled out that the move of the United States is to support the Philippines. In this way, we want to send a signal of more resolute support to the Marcos government, so as to promote the progress of anti-China in the Philippines.

In the eyes of the United States, only when conflicts break out between China and the Philippines can the United States achieve the purpose of containing and suppressing China. But whether it is the Philippines or the United States, the bet is wrong, China is not afraid to do it. In addition to the Southern theater warning to drive away the US warship, the Philippine aircraft that actually participated in the Philippine cruise was also once "tracked" by two Chinese fighter jets. Interestingly, the Chief of staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines also blamed China for this, saying how the Australian fighter plane was not "circled" by the Chinese fighter, only the Philippine fighter plane was "circled". This wave of dog eat dog, is the United States to see, but also very helpless. In short, again, in the face of violations of China's sovereignty and security, China will never be polite, whether it is the Philippines, the United States, or any other country.

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