"Bamboo charcoal food" can detoxify and nourish the face

In general, the radiation dose of a typical chest radiograph is 0.02mSv, a knee X-ray is 0.005mSv, a head CT is 2mSv, and a chest CT is 8mSv. Obviously, these radiation doses are within safe limits. To reach 50mSv, it is equivalent to taking 2,500 chest radiographs in a row, or six consecutive CT scans.

Many hospitals also take protective measures for the person being examined. For example, when taking chest X-ray, the subject will wear a special lead cap, lead collar, and a heavy lead apron around the waist and below to avoid unnecessary radiation to the human body.

"Bamboo charcoal food" can detoxify and nourish the face

Bamboo charcoal can absorb harmful substances in the human body, purify toxins in the blood, help human digestion and excretion, clean the intestine, and have the effect of detoxification and beautifying.

The adsorption capacity of carbon is closely related to the specific surface area, and the surface area per gram of material is called the specific surface area. Activated carbon, which we are familiar with,

is the product of further "activation" of carbon. The specific surface area of bamboo charcoal is generally 150-500 square meters, and it can also be used as a raw material for activated carbon. After activation, the specific surface area of bamboo charcoal can be increased to 1000-2000 square meters or even higher.

Although bamboo charcoal itself has adsorption effect, can be placed in the room or refrigerator as a moisture absorption agent, deodorant, etc., but the adsorption performance of bamboo charcoal and the adsorption of human endotoxin principle is not the same, the so-called "adsorption of toxins in the body" function is not credible, there is no scientific reason.

Metabolites in the human body, such as urea, uric acid, etc., can be excreted in the form of urine through the kidney in the case of normal kidney function, and a small amount of it enters the intestine and is also excreted through the feces.

Therefore, only when our kidneys have problems and can not complete the discharge of body metabolites, doctors will give patients the use of medical activated carbon to absorb excessive metabolic waste in the body, thereby reducing the burden on the kidneys.

For normal people, bamboo charcoal, activated carbon, etc., as a foreign body, will wriggle into the intestine after swallowing into the stomach, basically excreting the original, not only does not play a good role, but also affects the absorption of nutrients, causing dyspepsia, constipation and other problems.

It should be pointed out that it is not legal to add bamboo charcoal to food as an additive. Bamboo charcoal can not be used as a food raw material, nor has it been included in the "Food Safety National Standard Standard for the use of Food additives" (GB2760-2011),

and can not be used as a legal additive. Therefore, "bamboo charcoal food" is actually the use of food processed without the country's permission, its functional effects and safety in the human body such as detoxification have not been scientifically and effectively verified, consumers should be cautious.

Children should pay attention to maintaining a healthy weight. Seemingly cute and sturdy "fat dolls", in fact, there are major hidden dangers that threaten health. Obesity will reduce the lung function of children and adolescents,

resulting in shortness of breath, but also affect the heart function, make the heart beat faster, increase the contractility of the myocardium, in the long run, the heart is easy to bear and lead to failure.

At the same time, obese children will have reduced sports speed, endurance, explosive power, limited activities, and are also prone to injury when doing strenuous exercise.

In addition, if obesity in childhood and adolescence is not corrected in time, there is a 60% chance of remaining obese in adulthood, which will increase the risk of hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, essential hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cancer and other diseases in adulthood.

The technology is available to screen for cancer regularly

The current level of technology can meet the needs of regular cancer screening, and ordinary people need to undergo regular cancer screening, which can effectively reduce cancer mortality.

In fact, the current technology does not meet the need for regular cancer screening. At present, not all cancers are suitable for screening, only cancer high-risk groups to receive appropriate cancer screening is the most scientific and effective.

In order to achieve the best results, it is necessary to first assess the individual cancer risk, and it is the most scientific and effective to carry out the next screening for those who are assessed as high risk.

It is important to note that the assessed high risk person only represents a relatively high risk of developing one or several cancers, and does not necessarily develop cancer. And low-risk people are not necessarily not cancer, or pay attention to their body changes, if necessary, check in time.

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