Strengthen the construction of Marxist theoretical disciplines

To establish a people-centered research orientation is a basic stand for the development of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics and a concrete manifestation of adherence to Marxism.

"As long as a theory persuades, it can master the masses; As long as the theory is thorough, it can convince people." If a theory fails to persuade, fails to grasp the masses, fails to serve the people, and fails to solve practical problems,

it loses its power and becomes a puzzle that is difficult to reach or can only be shelved. To build philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics, we must adhere to the direction of serving the people and serving socialism,

adhere to the principle of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend, and more importantly, establish a people-centered research orientation. Only by trusting the people, relying on the people,

and for the people, can we give full play to the vitality, influence, and appeal of theories. To better lead the realization of the great ideal of national rejuvenation and people's happiness.

Establish a people-centered research orientation and adhere to the people's position. To adhere to the position of learning for the people, we need to sum up the people's practical experience and guide their practical development on the premise of respecting the people's dominant position in history and their pioneering spirit.

It is necessary to start from the fundamental interests of the people, to reflect and express the will, interests and requirements of the people, and to take the people's happy life as the ultimate goal of academic research;

It is necessary to take the people's practice as the driving force, and promote theoretical innovation to serve the people in the process of creatively solving the problems in the people's practice.

We should establish a people-centered research orientation and focus on practical problems. Philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics should pay attention to the fundamental interests of the people and the cause of human liberation.

It is necessary to explain the truth clearly, combine preaching with reasoning, and sum up China's successful experience in improving people's livelihood, fighting poverty, and promoting common prosperity.

It is necessary to strengthen academics, combine theories with practice, and solve the urgent problems of the people. It is necessary to make propaganda practical, combine propaganda and dissemination,

and realize the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics into the ears and minds. Keeping the public in mind, proceeding from the interests of the people and doing scholarship for the people is the academic direction that Chinese philosophers and social scientists should adhere to.

To establish a people-centered research orientation, we should pay attention to the construction of literary style. Philosophy and social science with Chinese characteristics can not exist in the abstract form in the text,

but should be transmitted to the people in a vivid way of expression; Chinese philosophy and social science workers should not separate themselves from the masses in conducting research, but should achieve a high degree of unity between theory and practice,virtue and thought, and academic and life.

To pay attention to the construction of literary style is to avoid the tendency of "academic" expression and "false emptiness" in philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics, and to avoid academics for the sake of academics,

resulting in research results that are not grounded and divorced from the masses. Chinese philosophers and social scientists should go deep into the masses, go deep into the grassroots, and go deep into practice,

cultivate a truth-seeking and pragmatic style of writing, improve false and conventional style of writing, tell Chinese stories well in lively language, and disseminate the Party's theories in a form popular with the people.

Only in this way can we establish a people-centered research orientation and promote the continuous development of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics to a higher level.

Strengthen the construction of Marxist theoretical disciplines

Philosophy and social science is an important tool to promote the progress of history. If we want to build a modern socialist country, we must simultaneously build a "stronger" philosophy and social science with Chinese characteristics.

Philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics must be guided by a fundamental theory if they want to become "strong". The Communist Party of China has always adhered to the close integration of Marxism with the great practice of China's revolution,

construction and reform, and constantly promoted the development of Marxist theory and Marxism in China. The theoretical achievements of the Sinicization of Marxism have influenced the development direction of the whole philosophy and social sciences as the base color and tone.

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