The objective needs of practical development

In addition to the live broadcast on Zhongke Star Map video account, Weibo account and Hundreds account, the live broadcast will also be simultaneously broadcast on platforms such as China Geographic Information Industry Association, China Securities Network, Journal of Remote Sensing, Home of Surveying and Mapping, and China Measurement Network, and the scientific network will be repeated.

Look up to the sky, time is deeper; Bend down to work, the future unlimited possibilities. Let us join hands to the digital Earth covenant and the feast of ideas! Pay attention to the official video number of China Astrographic map, make an appointment for live broadcast, February 17 (Friday)16:30-18:00, we will see each other.We will promote the internationalization of social think tanks

Think tank is an important carrier of national soft power and has increasingly become an important factor affecting international competitiveness. In recent years, along with the significant improvement of the overall national strength,

China's think tanks have developed rapidly, playing a positive role in political advice, social services, theoretical research, talent reserves, international exchanges and so on. China's social think tanks have the characteristics of folk, autonomy,

tell Chinese stories well, contribute Chinese wisdom and win international reputation. The international development of Chinese social think tanks has also attracted extensive attention from the international community.

The objective needs of practical development

Compared with official think tanks, the non-governmental nature of social think tanks makes them more flexible in carrying out international exchanges. On the one hand, this flexibility is reflected in the diversity of international exchange forms of social think tanks;

On the other hand, social think tanks are conducive to the realization of flexible replacement of official diplomacy, and can provide non-governmental communication channels to solve problems in times of national tensions.

In terms of international experience, most foreign think tanks exist in the form of social think tanks, which can hold and participate in international conferences in accordance with relevant laws and regulations,

initiate and participate in international organizations, participate in overseas exchange and training upon invitation, invite foreign parties to participate in domestic activities, and carry out international cooperation.

For example, the Brookings Institution in the United States holds more than 200 large public conferences every year, and the Center for Strategic and International Studies in the United States holds more than 700 meetings every year.

These well-known international think tanks have not only influenced the formulation of public policies in the United States, but also influenced the direction of global public policies, and played an important role in global governance.

From the perspective of domestic practice, with the proposal of the "Belt and Road" initiative, social think tanks have begun to go abroad, starting from "small but beautiful", constantly exploring and giving play to their strengths in the "large and complex" international and contemporary environment,

actively participating in global governance, and gradually establishing their own characteristics and advantages and areas of expertise. Some have explored the Belt and Road Initiative, global governance and public diplomacy from theory to practice.

Adhering to the professional orientation of "internationalization, influence and constructive", some are committed to the research of international relations, global governance, international trade and investment, international migration,

talent and enterprise globalization, think tank development and other fields; Others have made every effort to build public diplomacy platforms, smooth communication channels among all parties, and become social think tanks with certain international influence in public diplomacy and other fields.

However, on the whole, the internationalization of China's social think tanks is still in its infancy, and the social think tanks that really "go out" and have a certain international influence are still few, which do not match China's overall international status, and need to make great efforts to further promote its internationalization process.

The construction dimension of internationalization

The internationalization of social think tank is a dynamic process, and its development path has diversified characteristics. Drawing on the development experience of social think tanks in western countries and combining with the actual development of social think tanks in China, the following aspects are indispensable and important dimensions in the international development of social think tanks.

First, the premise of the international development of social think tanks is to realize the organic combination of global vision and local thinking. On the one hand, social think tanks should timely and accurately grasp the general trend of world development,

do a good job in forward-looking and strategic research on major international issues, and realize the internationalization of research topics. On the other hand, the research and thinking of social think tanks also need to have local feelings, neither imitating others nor narcissistic, and truly tell China's story in the international arena in a way that others can understand, so as to promote the leadership of international issues.

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