We will vigorously promote the spirit of scientists and create an innovation ecosystem conducive to basic research

At the same time, it is also necessary to avoid the tendency of "easy refuge" in the topic selection, strengthen the combination of top-down and bottom-up, select basic science problems that are highly motivated,

difficult to tackle, and focused on tasks and objectives, plan major scientific and technological tasks for basic research, and organize large teams to carry out concentrated research.

Reform the organizational model and management mode of basic research, and give full play to the advantages of systematic institutions

Guided by the national strategic needs and major scientific issues, we should organize relevant research institutions by exploring the establishment of research groups, laboratory groups and other scientific research organizations,

and concentrate our strengths to carry out cross-field and interdisciplinary collaborative research. In line with the trend of profound changes in the paradigm of scientific research, we will carry out institutional basic research by relying on major national scientific and technological infrastructure and platforms for scientific research conditions,

and strengthen the distribution and open sharing of scientific and technological basic capabilities such as scientific research instruments, scientific data centers, and scientific journals.

Further strengthen the integrated allocation and coordination of innovative resources such as basic research funds, projects and talents, and form policy synergy. Focusing on global issues such as climate change,

energy security, biosecurity, and the use of outer space, China actively takes the lead in initiating and participating in international big science programs and projects, strives to provide more Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions, and continues to enhance China's activity and influence in the field of global basic research.

Strengthen the construction of personnel based on scientific research practice, and fully stimulate the innovation potential of personnel in basic research

It is necessary to adhere to the training of basic research talents in scientific research practice, put the policy focus on young talents, in accordance with the principle of "combining the selection of topics with the selection",

give strong and long-term stable support to outstanding young talents, provide a loose scientific research environment, and promote the output of major original achievements and top young talents to stand out.

In recent years, with the financial support of the central government, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has selected 100 youth teams in the field of basic research, provided stable support for a five-year cycle, and actively cultivated outstanding young scientific and technological talents,

achieving good phased results. It is necessary to improve the long-term support and differentiated evaluation mechanism for basic research talents, resolutely break the "thesis only, professional title only, education only,

awards only", establish a quality, performance, ability oriented basic research evaluation mechanism, and encourage researchers to devote themselves to national strategic needs. Focusing on the long-term needs of building a world science and technology power,

we will adhere to the correct orientation of education, actively explore new mechanisms for strengthening the integration of science and education under the new situation, and comprehensively improve the quality of independent talent training.

We will vigorously promote the spirit of scientists and create an innovation ecosystem conducive to basic research

We should further guide the majority of scientific researchers to carry forward the glorious tradition of the older generation of scientists serving the country and caring for the people, and write their papers on the land of the motherland,

so that basic research can better serve national development and social progress. We will vigorously promote the spirit of scientists, and encourage researchers to combine academic interests with the needs of the country,

professionalism with patriotic dedication, and the pursuit of excellence with practical application. We will strengthen our work style and academic style, foster an open and inclusive academic environment featuring seeking truth from facts, sincere learning,

and honest conduct. We will have zero tolerance for academic misconduct, strengthen researchers' awareness of abiding by research ethics and academic norms, and carry out responsible scientific research.

Give full play to high-level experts and professional advantages, actively carry out science popularization work, and encourage and guide more outstanding young people to join the cause of scientific research.New research could help solve the problem of blood shortages

University of Science and Technology of China professor Cheng Linzhao and associate researcher Liu Senquan team made a breakthrough in the field of mass production of red blood cells in vitro. The team systematically explored and optimized the nutrients required for the terminal differentiation of red blood cells,

and successfully established a new red blood cell induced differentiation system with clear chemical composition, providing a new scheme for the large-scale production of human red blood cells in vitro in the future.

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