Combination of prevention and treatment, the whole population and key population strategies

Scientific correction of myopia

For children and adolescents with myopia, parents should be instructed to take their children to professional institutions in time for examination and correction, if it is determined that glasses need to be worn after professional examination,

parents should follow the requirements of the doctor or optometrist to choose the appropriate prescription of glasses for their children, wear glasses according to the doctor's advice, and carry out regular follow-up.

Prevention and control of myopia severity and complications

For children and adolescents with early onset of myopia or rapid myopia development, specialists should use optical correction, drug correction or traditional Chinese medicine to slow the progression of myopia.

Parents should go to regular medical institutions, under the guidance of a doctor or optometrist to choose measures suitable for their children, and follow the doctor's advice.

For children and adolescents with fundus pathological changes and other complications, parents should promptly take their children to professional medical institutions for diagnosis and treatment by specialists.

Catch early and catch small, implement the whole life cycle

1.Implement vision health management threshold forward. Early detection of the lack of hyperopia reserve and timely intervention measures are the key to advance the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents.

Move forward in the prevention and control cycle, catch early and catch small; In the prevention and control link, move from treatment to early warning; In order to advance the awareness of prevention,

early intervention should be carried out for students with healthy vision. Move the line of nearsightedness forward to pregnancy, infancy, and preschool. Strengthen the awareness of parents and teachers of myopia prevention and control, and take infants, preschool, and lower grade of primary school as the key link of myopia prevention and control.

2.Promote the prevention and control of myopia throughout the life cycle. From the perspective of the whole life cycle, it focuses on the potential sensitive periods such as pre-pregnancy, pregnancy,

infant, preschool, and school age, so as to reduce the influence of biological, environmental and behavioral risk factors on the visual health of children and adolescents. Starting from the pre-pregnancy,

pregnancy and perinatal period, develop a healthy lifestyle, real-time monitoring of health conditions, reduce the risk of gestational diabetes, hypertension, premature birth, etc., in order to reduce the risk of myopia in children and adolescents.

Implement the "Standards for Eye Care and vision Examination Services for Children aged 0-6", establish children's eye health records, achieve one file per person, and transfer them in real time with children and adolescents entering school.

Popularize the scientific knowledge of children's eye care to parents, and guide families to actively accept children's eye care and vision examination services. Carry out health guidance, do not contact with electronic screens before the age of 3,

preschool children try to avoid contact and use of video electronic products, reduce close eye time, increase outdoor activities, maintain correct reading and writing posture, develop good sleeping habits,

and ensure adequate and regular sleep. At school age, outdoor activities should be advocated for at least 1 hour each day in school and outside school, reduce long-term close eye use, and maintain adequate and regular sleep.

Implementing myopia prevention and control from the whole life cycle can realize the advancement of myopia prevention and control threshold and improve the vision health of the whole life cycle.

Combination of prevention and treatment, the whole population and key population strategies

1.Whole population strategy. Children and adolescents are generally susceptible to myopia, and it is necessary to adopt a population-wide strategy to prevent and control myopia, carry out health education on myopia prevention and control,

increase outdoor activities during the day, reduce close proximity to the eye for a long time, build a visual friendly environment and other public health interventions, and do a good job of population-wide primary prevention and control.

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