This is the way to start the exercise

As the saying goes, if you don't lose weight in June, you'll be sad in October. Have you started dumping the meat you've been eating for half a year?

The healthy way to lose weight can be summed up as "exercise + reasonable diet control". Stay at home for a long time, how to recover sports?

How to choose the right way to exercise? Today, experts from the Beijing Institute of Health Education teach you how to correctly open the mode of exercise and meat dumping.

Start your exercise with running

When it comes to the choice of exercise mode, it is also learned. Some people spend a lot of money on sports equipment and give up after a few days. Some people exert too much force, after strenuous exercise, the back aches and legs hurt, and they die. At the initial stage, what kind of exercise should we choose? Experts suggest that everyone exercise can start from running, affordable and simple. According to our actual situation, we can walk fast, jog, combine walking and running, or stop and rest at any time.

At present, the more popular exercise methods such as walking, jogging and square dancing every day are aerobic exercises. After the oxygen supply is sufficient and the blood sugar is fully oxidized, it is not easy to make people feel muscle swelling.

And fast running, swimming and other sports, if not regular exercise people, in the case of oxygen supply is not available, will become anaerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise produces a lot of lactic acid, lactic acid once accumulated in the local, stimulate the peripheral nerve, will feel acid swelling.

In addition, we also need to relax and stretch our muscles after exercise. Muscles often have cramps, cramps or aches after exercise because they did not relax properly before exercise. Therefore, we must pay attention to warm-up activities before exercise and stretch after exercise. Hold each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds and repeat two or three times.

Evening exercise is best for young people

Many people often do not stick to exercise. One is tired, the other is not know how to start.

How do you get started? The answer is gradually. Experts from the Beijing Institute of Health Education said that no matter how far you walk and how slow you walk, insist on a few months, the distance will be longer and longer, the exercise time will be longer and longer, and gradually increase the amount of exercise.

Which time is better to exercise in the morning or in the evening? If you don't choose to exercise vigorously, it doesn't matter in the morning or evening. If you are young people in your 20s and 30s, evening sports are better. Because young people generally do not warm up slowly when they exercise in the morning, but run very fast at the beginning, which is not good for the body. If you get up early in the morning, you will be very tired after exercise, plus a whole day's work, you will be even more tired. In addition, after a whole day of activity, our entire nervous system is stimulated. Night exercise, from the resting state to the state of exercise adaptation process is very short, and after the exercise home wash, can sleep a good night's sleep, the next morning work is very energetic. So it is recommended that young people exercise in the evening.

What is the frequency of motion? Keep it at least 30 minutes four to five times a week. This is because, when we first start exercising, our body burns energy not from fat but from sugar. After 30 minutes of exercise, with the sugar "consumed", the body to provide energy, you need fat "play". Fat begins to break down in order to achieve the purpose of weight loss.

Getting thirsty? The water is not right

The hydration after exercise is very particular, the hydration method is not right, and may even have life concerns. According to experts, when our bodies sweat during exercise, water and salt in the body will be lost at the same time. Especially in the dog days, a lot of sweat after exercise, and the body will have a lack of salt and water. At this time, many people will feel thirsty and drink a lot of water, which will cause what consequences? There is little salt and much water in the body, resulting in hypotonic dehydration.

Hypotonic dehydration is characterized by excessive sweating and thirst as you drink mineral water. At this time, we should not simply replenish water, but also replenish salt. Simple hydration can lead to loss of consciousness and even sudden death in serious cases.

In general, the principle of exercise is the combination of walking and running, repeated, as for how long to run, how fast to run, how fast to walk, you can make plans according to different personal situations, and slowly achieve the goal of 30 minutes of jogging.

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