Keep exercising and your body will look the same every day

When you start running, take a spin class, or do yoga, the physical and mental benefits of exercise begin to become apparent, which can make you feel passionate about it. Dr. Michele Olson, a professor of clinical exercise physiology at Huntington University in the United States, summed up the benefits of exercising in real time.

When I first started exercising. At this point, lung function is enhanced. During aerobic exercise, your brain sends signals to your lungs to help you breathe faster and deeper and send extra oxygen to your muscles. Due to the influx of endorphins, exercisers will feel excited and energetic, making exercise motivation peak. In addition, during aerobic exercise, the body mainly uses fat as fuel and begins to burn fat.

Exercise within 1 hour. First, exercisers have a reduced risk of colds and flu because exercise raises levels of immunoglobulin, which helps strengthen the immune system and prevent infections. Second, mood-enhancing chemicals (such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine) flood the brain in the hours after exercise, leaving the body feeling relaxed and stress-free. Again, exercisers can burn more calories even in the state of rest, which is the post-burning effect, that is, for every 100 kilocalories burned during exercise, 15 kilocalories can be burned after the exercise. For example, if you run 5 kilometers, you can burn about 300 kcal, and you can burn an additional 45 kcal after running. Also, blood sugar levels begin to drop, and the extent of the drop depends on what you ate before exercising, as well as the intensity and duration of the exercise.

Exercise in a day. Muscle weight begins to increase; If you do strength training, the muscles also begin to rebuild to repair the tiny tears caused during exercise; The heart becomes healthier; If the exercise is as intense as sweating, blood pressure can also be lowered for up to 16 hours. In addition, it increases blood and oxygen flow to the brain, which helps improve learning ability and makes people more focused.

Keep exercising for a week. The more you exercise, the more sensitive your body is to insulin, which lowers blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Increased endurance, boosting maximal oxygen uptake (a measure of endurance and aerobic fitness) by about 5 percent, allowing for some intensity in later workouts; Slim, but need to control the diet.

Keep exercising for one month. Your body gets stronger and your muscle endurance continues to increase, so that you can easily perform 8 pounds of weight training, and the number of sets of training is gradually increasing; Fat begins to decrease, and overweight people can even reduce by 12%, making the abdomen and muscles more linear. In addition, it can also activate brain-derived nerve growth factor, which helps to form new brain cells and improve brain function.

Keep exercising for one year. Increased endurance and aerobic fitness by 25% and no longer felt strenuous; Speed up fat loss, burning fat all the time; As a result of regular exercise, the pumping efficiency of the heart will be increased, thus reducing the heart rate; Long-term exercise can increase the length of human telomeres, avoid damage caused by free radicals, delay the aging process, reduce the risk of cancer, and thus extend life.

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