What are the benefits of exercise?

1, improve the concentration of a research institution in the United States, after a semester long study and observation found that students who exercise every day are better than ordinary students, in addition to the body, the completion of the class is also much faster.

They are less susceptible to outside distractions and more adept at handling things. Exercise a little every day to improve your focus and make your work life more efficient.

2, strengthen memory The hippocampus of the brain is the core of the brain's learning and memory system, and when we exercise, the hippocampus has a strong response.

German research shows that people learn a new language when they walk or cycle.

Exercise a little every day, strengthen the memory, do not live in the age of youth, become forgetful old age.

  1. There's a reason people who exercise always look sunny. Exercise causes muscle contractions, which produce a signal that travels up the spinal nerve to the reticular structure of the brain stem and then to the cerebral cortex, causing nerve excitation.

The continuous muscle contraction greatly improves the activity of the cerebral cortex cells, so people are more excited and feel very energetic. Exercise a little every day, stay active, and an energetic look always gives people a sense of closeness.

  1. Fighting depression exercise causes the body to produce serotonin and dopamine, the brain chemicals that determine happiness.

Not only that, but exercise boosts endorphins, chemicals that make you feel good. If someone makes you unhappy, go for a run in the park and all the negative feelings will disappear.

  1. The dentate gyrus area is part of the hippocampus and is associated with the generation of new memories. The cells in this area are depleted by stress, so we often find that stressed people are forgetful and slow to react.

Exercise helps build new nerve cells in the dentate gyrus and lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

6, reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease Related scientific studies have shown that exercise is a great help in preventing dementia, such as walking, running and so on.

Hand exercises, such as playing the piano, tapping the keyboard, picking up beans, etc., can also effectively stimulate regional brain blood flow, which is helpful to prevent and slow down Alzheimer's disease.

Those who sat were twice as likely to develop Alzheimer's disease as those who exercised. Exercise is not correct, the effect is counterproductive although the exercise is good, but the greater the amount of exercise is not better for the body.

Excessive exercise can easily cause loss of appetite, dehydration, and even injury... The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise five days a week.

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