Create a new vision.

President Xi clearly pointed out that at the San Francisco Summit, China and the United States should have a new vision and work together to cement the five pillars of China-Us relations, that is, the "five commonalities" : China and the United States should jointly establish a correct understanding, work together to effectively manage differences, work together to promote mutually beneficial cooperation, shoulder responsibilities as major countries, and work together to promote people-to-people exchanges.

To stabilize and improve China-Us relations, we should not just install so-called guardrail, but pour solid pillars. How to do a good job in the "five commonalities", President Xi Jinping made a focus of elaboration at this meeting.

The two sides talked about many differences and sensitive issues. President Xi said that China has always been committed to building stable, healthy and sustainable China-Us relations. At the same time, China has interests, principles and a bottom line that it must uphold. During the meeting, President Xi elaborated on China's principled position on the Taiwan issue and made clear China's position on economic, trade and scientific and technological issues.

Biden said that I would like to reiterate the five-point commitment made at the Bali meeting, that is, the United States does not seek a new Cold War, does not seek to change the Chinese system, does not seek to strengthen alliance against China, does not support "Taiwan independence", and has no intention of conflict with China.

The results of the China-Us summit are manifold. The two presidents agreed to promote and strengthen dialogue and cooperation between China and the United States in various areas, including the establishment of an intergovernmental dialogue on artificial intelligence; Set up a working group on drug control cooperation; Resuming high-level communication between the two militaries on the basis of equality and respect; Agreed to a further substantial increase in flights early next year; We will expand exchanges in education, foreign students, youth, culture, sports and the business community. The two presidents also stressed that China and the United States should accelerate efforts to address the climate crisis.

Journalists from around the world are busy filming at the summit. (Photo by Zhang Xiaopeng, CCTV reporter)
03 A welcome banquet to witness friendship
On the evening of December 15 local time, President Xi Jinping attended and delivered a speech at a welcome banquet jointly held by the US friendship groups in San Francisco. The banquet was jointly held by friendly organizations such as the National Committee on US-China Relations and the US-China Business Council. The two committees were also involved in hosting the welcoming banquet that President Xi attended in Seattle during his visit to the United States in September 2015.

Among the American friends who attended the welcome banquet that night, there were many old friends of President Xi, including Landy and Peron, old friends from Iowa, whom he met during his first visit to the United States in 1985.

Peron was in charge of the reception. He told the Political News Eye that after many years, President Xi also recognized him at an event, which greatly moved him.

Among the American friends present were John Easterbrook, grandson of General Stilwell of the United States, whom President Xi had answered a letter to, Green, chairman of the US-China Aviation Heritage Foundation, and Moyer, a veteran of the Flying Tigers, as well as many friends from Guling.

Lee Gardner, more than 70 years old, is the great-nephew of Milton Gardner, the hero of the Drum Ridge Story. On the same day, he wore a tie embroidered with "Chinese dragon". The reporter in front of the "current political News Eye" noticed some carefully arranged and heartwarming details.

President Xi has a tight schedule in the United States, but he still arranged an evening to meet with American friends from all walks of life and set aside time to meet American friends. Before the banquet, President Xi met with representatives of friendly personages, chatted cordially with them and took a group photo, saying that the Chinese people will never forget their old friends.

On the evening of the same day, President Xi delivered an important speech entitled "Pooling the Strength of the two Peoples to Advance the Cause of China-Us Friendship". The speech of nearly 35 minutes was sincere and touching, and the scene rang out more than 10 long and warm applause.

Leaders of several friendly groups in the United States said in their speeches that President Xi Jinping held an important meeting with President Biden in San Francisco and delivered an important speech to the American people, which is of extraordinary historical significance.

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