Ukrainian high level infighting escalated, the Russian side issued the final conditions, Zelensky just want to gamble everything

Ukraine has dug its own grave by escalating infighting at the top. Unexpectedly, Russia has sent a message of peace, but Zelensky can only choose to die.

In the recent period of time, Russia has launched a fierce winter offensive by taking advantage of the gradual neglect of Ukraine by the West. It is said that Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, was attacked by an unprecedented large-scale drone attack, so that the Latvian leaders who were visiting Kiev at the time were scared out of a cold sweat and finally hid in a shelter. In fact, it can be seen from these situations that Ukraine is now facing a very bad situation, and even can be said to be on the edge of a cliff.

Recently, there is news from Russian media that senior Ukrainian official Bezuglaya called on the commander-in-chief of the armed forces to resign as soon as possible, and the office of the President of Ukraine also made a negative evaluation of this matter, to know that Ukrainian President Zelensky and the Commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army Zaluzzin has been a huge contradiction, and now the internal strife of the Ukrainian authorities is further escalating. Many analysts even speculate that if the Ukrainian authorities continue to use such political tactics to force Zaluzhin, he is likely to eventually use a mutiny in response to the Zelensky government.

Frankly speaking, in the face of enormous external pressure, Ukraine is still engaged in internal unrest, which is actually "digging a grave for itself", of course, Russia did not miss this opportunity, while not stopping the offensive against the Ukrainian army, but also continue to release signals to the West and Ukraine to end the conflict.

According to the Ukrainian informed sources, the truce conditions given by the Russian side only require Ukraine to refuse to join NATO, frankly speaking, in the face of such a big advantage, Russia just put forward such peace talks conditions, is already very "polite", in fact, it is the best choice for Ukraine at present.

Because the Russian military has plans to use tactical missiles, in other words, to continue the confrontation, perhaps Ukraine will eventually suffer several nuclear weapons, and a large number of Western countries are also dissuading Ukraine, and even put forward the proposal of "secession and peace".

But Zelensky did not accept Western advice, and recently went to NATO headquarters to ask for help, according to the British media Financial Times recently reported that the Ukrainian authorities are expanding the scope of recruitment from women to sick patients, even people with brain and spinal injuries, are conscription.

To know that the brain injury is very likely to not even the ability to take care of themselves, and spine problems may not be able to stand up, such people go to the front battlefield, frankly even when "cannon fodder" are not qualified, only from this point can see that the Zelensky government in order to resist Russia, will gamble everything in Ukraine.

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