The US media is angry that Argentina's new president has changed his tune. We should pay attention

The shift in policy after the new president took office
After Milley took office, his attitude toward China suddenly changed dramatically and he no longer snubbed China. According to the US media "Bloomberg" news, Milley not only did not take a tough attitude toward China as he did during the campaign, but said to China that he did not intend to end diplomatic relations with China, and promised not to cut off previous China-related cooperation. The change left the US media surprised and angry, believing they had been duped. However, Milley's policy change is not out of nowhere, in fact, during the election campaign, Milley has repeatedly conveyed the signal of a tough stance on China, which is seen as a strategy to please the United States and gain support.

Then look at his economic policies, which mirror each other. During the campaign, Milley proposed "shock therapy," including abolishing the peso currency in favor of the U.S. dollar and closing down Argentina's central bank. However, after actually taking office, Milley quickly denied the remarks, calling them "untrue." The policy shift raises questions about whether Millay will actually be able to deliver the reforms he promised during his campaign.

Be wary of policy uncertainty in Argentina
Millay's new government is hard to predict and judge. However, we have to be vigilant. Just like the example of the Philippines, Philippine President Marcos Jr. also actively courted China at the beginning of taking office, but then he frantically stirred up the situation in the South China Sea and became a pawn of the United States. This shows us that for some pro-US countries, if they first show goodwill to China and then backfire at a critical moment, we do not have much to do with them.

In dealing with this uncertain Argentina, the best thing we can do is to remain vigilant and adapt to change. Especially considering the relatively long geographical distance between China and Argentina, if Argentina encounters difficulties in improving its relations with China and the United States uses "gray power" to block it, China will not be able to help much. Therefore, we need to be careful about Argentine policy developments and keep an eye out for changes.

Argentina's relationship with China is a threat to China

Whether Argentina is anti-China or not, neither in terms of national strength nor technology, it does not pose much of a threat to China. If Argentina goes along with the United States, the further collapse of the domestic economy will be a stark example of the opposite, and a wake-up call for other countries that try to cling to a pro-American agenda. Therefore, we do not have to worry too much about Argentina's influence on China, and at the same time, we must maintain our own stability and development, so that strength becomes the best base to cope with various changes.

Personal thoughts and insights
In a world full of variables and uncertainties, diplomatic relations between countries often change unexpectedly. The change in attitude of the new Millay government is a prime example and a reminder that differences in rhetoric and action are the norm in international relations. For China, no matter which direction the relationship with Argentina is heading, we need to remain calm and cautious, and respond to various challenges with concrete actions. Only by maintaining stability and development and improving one's own strength can one better defend one's rights and interests in the international arena.

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