"Global Hegemon screen" helps brand businesses strengthen brand mentality

The whole area dominates the screen, TA breaks the circle, and the whole scene accurately improves the efficiency in three steps, and brand businesses have started a new campaign of 618 growth

The annual 618 is coming.

This year 618 canceled pre-sale, May 20 at 8 PM direct spot sale. Compared with previous years, this will be the longest period of consumer demand in history. Businesses need to seize the opportunity to meet the high frequency of user activity peak in the next month.

During this period, Ali mother will continue to play the key leverage role of business growth - a significant good thing is that this year, relying on the revolutionary upgrade of Ali Mother AI product capabilities,

in TA crowd breaking circle, new quality good goods to determine the explosion, live full-time global outbreak, Ali mother will release new incremental opportunities, from the three dimensions of people, goods, and field, to help businesses comprehensively improve efficiency.

Compared with the good goods driven merchants with explosive goods as the core of their operations, and the novice merchants who need to complete the accumulation of "from 0 to 1", 618 has a more diversified value for brand merchants - for brands, 618 is not only a centralized transaction node, but also an important window to build industry reputation, occupy consumer minds and enhance market share.

In order to help different types of businesses find their business path more quickly, Ali Mother has also tailored "three things for business growth" for brand driven businesses, good goods driven businesses, and novice businesses, and targeted to provide great promotion and preparation programs.

Among them, brand merchants collect public domain traffic through the "global hegemon screen" to seize the brand's own position; Through "TA break circle" to achieve crowd break circle, tap potential incremental customer groups;

Finally, using the "full scene accurate efficiency" to reach the intended customers of water storage and comprehensively improve the efficiency, you can find a definite growth channel in 618.

From the public domain to the private domain

"Global Hegemon screen" helps brand businesses strengthen brand mentality

A company needs to go through multiple stages from start-up to maturity. Different stages focus on different business objectives.

Businesses that have just started businesses want to make "the first explosion", and businesses in the middle of the business are gradually worried about the operation of "crowd breaking circle" and "product matrix".

For more mature brand merchants, the answer to this question becomes more complicated - such merchants are often close to the head, brand recognition is high, the user volume is large, and the "product effect integration" is more important in the delivery.

How can we amplify the brand potential energy as much as possible in 618 to achieve both "sound volume" and "sales volume"?

In the development of e-commerce for more than 20 years, Taobao has become the "second official website" of more and more brands. It is not only the first stop for many consumers to search and recognize brands, but also the main business position that integrates new, marketing, user communication and experience.

Data show that Taobao monthly active users have reached 892 million. During the Double 11 last year, the 88VIP crowd size exceeded 32 million people - the past many experiences have proved that during the promotion period,

Taobao will be the most concentrated field of consumer demand outbreak of the whole network. Brand merchants need to carefully build their own strong mental positions here to undertake this foreseeable outbreak of demand.

For brand businesses that already have word-of-mouth and fan accumulation, the "global hegemon screen" is the first step in preparing for 618. It is like a "foundation", through the joint release of multiple contacts, you can amplify the brand potential energy as much as possible and gather the brand's interest crowd.

Specifically, in order to achieve the full domain screen, businesses can first use UD brand -TOP, UD brand - universal ace, UD brand - super universal access and other products to deeply integrate the whole network resources,

through the global multi-touch, to create brand heights, to achieve the public domain screen; Then use the screen Topshow to occupy the first contact of Taobao's screen, one-click direct access to the brand area,

import the accumulated public domain traffic into the private domain, and combine the brand's first show to take down the exclusive pit of Taobao's first screen to achieve private domain domination.

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