China Pacific Insurance will provide more than 1.25 trillion yuan of insurance protection for the sixth CIIE

The opening of the sixth China International Import Expo is approaching, and the preparatory work has entered the countdown sprint stage. As the core supporting enterprise and designated insurance service provider of CIIE, CPIC provides one-stop comprehensive insurance protection and integrated risk management services with a total insurance amount of more than 1.25 trillion yuan for the CIIE, realizing the specialization of insurance services, the wisdom of insurance technology, the internationalization of strategic cooperation and the precision of organizational security. Make every effort to create "6 brave progress" CPIC service 6.0 model.

Centering on "6+365", CPIC updated and optimized the insurance plan for the whole life cycle of the CIIE, covering the operation period of the venue and the exhibition period of the CIIE, making every effort to extend the exhibition period for one week and serve for one year.

China Pacific Insurance Co., LTD. 's chief underwriting the 2023 operation period of the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai), the venue for the Expo, provides eight insurance protection schemes, with a total insured amount of nearly 23 billion yuan.

At the sixth CIIE, China Pacific Insurance upgraded the comprehensive insurance program of the sixth CIIE, tailor-made a package of risk solutions with a total insured amount of more than 1.25 trillion yuan, comprehensively covering eight insurance categories.

Among them, China Pacific Life Insurance provides personnel insurance protection for participants including organizers, exhibitors, supply chain service providers, buyers, media, volunteers, etc. The protection time is from October 1 to December 31, 2023, covering the whole cycle before, during and after the exhibition.

Actively serve the relevant entities of the Expo.

China Pacific Insurance tailor-made "Jinbobao" one-stop insurance products and services for global exhibitors, builders, transporters, service providers and other relevant parties of the CIIE, including 16 basic protection products and 4 exclusive protection products.

At the same time, since the second CIIE, China Pacific Insurance has set up a special insurance service window on the official website of CIIE to provide online exhibition liability insurance for special exhibitors participating in CIIE, covering the personnel and liability protection of all special manufacturers and exhibitors. It is expected to provide more than 1,500 exhibitors of the sixth CIIE with more than 10 billion yuan of risk protection for site property, construction personnel safety and public liability during the exhibition period, exhibition period and withdrawal period.

At this year's CIIE, China Pacific Insurance will also fully demonstrate the results of continuous innovation in green finance. Take the lead to help "zero carbon into Bo zero plastic BO 2.0" start again.

At the same time, relying on the international platform of the CIIE, China Pacific Insurance Co., Ltd. shows the company's exploration results in product and service innovation to the world, and actively expands the upstream and downstream "circle of friends" of the industry, and builds an "insurance + health" ecosystem with outstanding enterprises at home and abroad to provide customers with an integrated solution of "insurance + health + pension".

During the BO period, China Pacific Insurance will cooperate with Huawei, iFlytek and other head technology companies to establish an insurance digital labor joint laboratory, in-depth cooperation in computing infrastructure, base large model, scene field knowledge and other aspects, and jointly explore the construction of insurance basic large model and the application of digital labor in the insurance field.

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