Natural diversity

(Pyramid of Khufu)

It is the largest pyramid in ancient Egypt. The tower is 146.59 meters high, due to aging weathering, the top has peeled off 10 meters, and is now 136.5 meters high, equivalent to the height of a 40-story building. With stones of varying sizes weighing between 1.5 and 50 tons, the total weight of the tower is about 6.84 million tons, making it the largest of the 110 pyramids found in Egypt.

It is an almost solid monolith, which groups of people dragged up the spiral passageway inside the pyramid, and then piled up layer by layer to create, more than 100,000 craftsmen took about 20 years to complete the human miracle. Before the Eiffel Tower was built, Khufu's Pyramid was the tallest building in the world.

(The Pyramids of Giza)

Located in the Nile Delta, Giza (N 29°58'33.77", E 31° 7'56.01") was built around 2575 to 2465 BC, Built by the three pharaohs of the Fourth Dynasty of ancient Egypt, Khufu, Khafra and Menkaura, it is the most mature representation of ancient Egyptian pyramids. It is mainly composed of the pyramid of Khufu, the Pyramid of Khafre, the Pyramid of Menkara, the Great Sphinx, and there are many "Mastabas" and small pyramids around it.

(Pyramid of Djoser)

The step pyramid, also known as the Step Pyramid, is a pyramid in Egypt located at Saqqara. The pyramid was designed and built by the Prime minister Imhotep at the command of the Pharaoh of the Third Dynasty of Egypt. It is estimated to have been built between 2667 and 2648 BC.

It is also the first pyramid in Egypt and the first pyramid consisting of six Mastabas, each layer of the Mastabas smaller than the next. The pyramid is 62 m (203 ft) high, with a base of 109 m by 125 m (358 ft by 410 ft) and an exterior of polished white limestone.

The Step Pyramid is thought to be the earliest large structure composed of quadstones, although the nearby Gisr el-Mudir appears to predate the Zoser Pyramid. The oldest known unprocessed stone structure dates to 3000 BC and is located in Cala, Peru.

(The Sphinx)

In the tomb of the pyramid in Giza, Egypt, the head is partly said to have been shaped by Khafra in his own likeness, [1] while it is also believed to have been built by Regidev based on the likeness of his father Khufu. The statue is 20 meters high and 57 meters long, and 72 meters long if you count the two front PAWS.

The face is about 5 meters long and 4.7 meters wide, the nose is 1.71 meters long, and the mouth is 2.3 meters wide and 1.93 meters wide. It wears a "Nemes" crown on its head, a fan-shaped "Nemes" turban hanging down on both ears, a "Kubra" (cobra: Cobra) sacred snake relief carved on its forehead, and the logo of the emperor - a long drooping beard, a collar around its neck, and an eagle feather pattern adorning the lion body.

(Luxor Temple)

Located on the Nile River in Upper Egypt more than 670 kilometers south of Cairo, it is located on the ruins of the southern half of Thebes, the capital city of the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt. The most notable of Luxor's monuments are the karnaktemple and Luxor Temple on the east bank of the Nile.

Luxor has become a modern tourist city, Egypt's tourist destination, where filled with a festive and cheerful atmosphere, located in the center of the temple to Luxor marked with a special mark, every year hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world. Egyptians often say, "You haven't been to Egypt until you've been to Luxor."

(Abu Simbel Temple)

Located 290 kilometers south of Aswan, Egypt, it was built between 1300 and 1233 BC and is said to be named after a young boy who was the first guide to take Westerners to the site. It is located on the west bank of Lake Nasser, and consists of the archway gate chiseled against the cliff, the giant cliff statue of Ramses II, the front and back column hall and the shrine.

Abu Simbel, along with many other ruins downstream to the island of Philae, is a Nubian site and has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

(Karnak Temple)

Built more than 3,900 years ago, located north of the Egyptian city of Luxor, it is a spectacular temple left over from the ancient Egyptian Empire. The temple has more than 20 temples, 134 giant stone columns, lion body ram statue and other monuments, magnificent momentum, shocking.

The temple of Karnak was part of Thebes, the capital of Egypt during the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom. The worship center of the sun god Amun and the site of the largest temple in ancient Egypt. 700 kilometers south of Cairo on the east bank of the Nile. The site occupied the northern half of what was then the eastern city of Thebes. The avenue through the Sphinx (see Sphinx) is connected to Luxor, 1 km to the south, where another temple of Amun is located.

Since both the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom ruled from Thebes, Amun, the local god of Thebes, was regarded as the protector of kingship and became the most important of the Egyptian gods. The Temple of Amun here became the largest and richest temple in the country. Temple of Amun in Thebes, ancient Egypt. It was built during the Middle Kingdom period and began large-scale construction during the New Kingdom period until the end of Greek rule.

The main hall has very spectacular columns, columns and walls are full of carvings and hieroglyphic inscriptions, the famous "Thutmose III Chronology", Ramses II about the battle of Kadesh and inscriptions are engraved on these columns and walls, providing powerful physical data for historical research.

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