Taste the cultural charm of the brand and feel the cultural feast of "Copper Bull Film Carnival"

At the event site, a number of cultural tourism enterprises signed cooperation agreements with Zhengding Longxing Temple, Rongguo Mansion, Zhao Yun Temple and other scenic spots. In order to increase preferential efforts, the county also released the 2024 Zhengding Scenic spot team ticket cooperation policy on the spot

Taste the cultural charm of the brand and feel the cultural feast of "Copper Bull Film Carnival"

On April 20, the "Copper Bull Film Carnival" organized by the Copper Bull Group was grandly opened in the Copper Bull Film Industry Park. The event covered the Beijing International Film Festival, the 31st College Student Film Festival "Original Night" award ceremony,

"Art Mirror to the End - Film Unit" special screening day, public welfare film screening, Topox Film Market, Bronze Bull brand collection exhibition and other sections. Here, the public can experience the "cultural flavor" of watching movies,

the "fireworks flavor" of going to the market, and the "Beijing flavor" of the time-honored brand, meeting the cultural consumption needs of the masses in many aspects, and bringing a rich and colorful carnival experience.

In addition, in order to give full play to the role of the civilization practice base of the new era of Tongniu Film Industry Park, sing the main theme, promote positive energy, and create a cultural and fashionable life,

an 11-day public benefit film exhibition will be held in the Tongniu Film Art space from April 18. "My Father Jiao Yulu", "Journey Home", "King of the Sky" and other main theme films for the capital state-owned enterprises workers, community people, college students free of charge to bring a cultural "feast", to further enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the masses.

Walking around the Tongniu Film Industry Park and chasing the art of light and shadow, you can not only personally feel the industrial legacy of the old factory of Tongniu transformed into a film industry park,

but also outside the Tongniu Film Art Theater, the Tongniu Brand Collection Exhibition will lead the audience to walk into the past and present life of the time-honored Tongniu, the on-site display of brand memory,

science and technology series and other theme plates. As well as the copper Bull brand, Songxuecao brand, Copper bull professional clothing customization, Textile Institute created "Dream", "Beijing Axis",

"Colorful Xiongan" award series and other products, showing the Copper bull as a "Beijing time-honored", "China time-honored" integrity and innovation, sustainable development of the "green, natural, healthy" concept, and in recent years to expand the brand and product pattern.

The Topo Cow Movie Market, jointly held by Beijing Knitting Industry Association with the theme of "Lighting up the enthusiasm of consumption and feeling the warmth of the city", is another costume opening after the successful debut of the first "Topo Cow · Carnival" fashion life collection and creative market in 2023 Beijing Fashion Week.

During the activity, through the online sales platform, gathered more than 60 well-known time-honored enterprises and creative products such as Fulin Gate, Wu Yutai, Jingguan, Dahongmen, Nancheng Hongqiao,

Unilever, etc., to find the memories of childhood "market" for the public. At the same time, it will also create more opportunities for exhibitors to sell products and promote brands, enrich the life content of residents in surrounding communities, and provide colorful market events.

Beijing Tongniu Film Industry Park, as a key characteristic park in the national cultural industry Innovation Experimental Zone, a municipal cultural industry park, and the first batch of "Beijing New Era Civilization Practice Base",

is also a key project of Tongniu Group to achieve industrial transformation and upgrading. Since its official operation in 2016, the theme film development Forum has been held.

Organized positive public welfare activities such as "Cultural Fair", "Capital State-owned Enterprises Open Day", "Fashion culture Lecture Hall" and "Stars Connected" cultural assistance.

In the future, Tongniu Film Industry Park will focus on the construction of "specialized, refined and special" film industry park, focus on industrial finance, film and television technology,

film talents, explore new paths and new models of film industry service development, and contribute to the construction of the capital Cultural center.Nantong Tangzha Ancient Town: "The first town of modern industrial relics" to welcome new life

At 10 am in the Tangzha ancient town of Nantong, Jiangsu province, the bell of the Dasheng Bell Tower, a landmark building built in 1915, rings on time. Over the past hundred years, the bell has witnessed the changes of Tangzha, an industrial town.

Tang Gate formerly known as "Tang Jia Gate". According to local records, during the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty, floods occurred frequently in the area, and local officials built a gate on Tangjia Dam in Tongyang Canal, which was called "Tangjia Gate" and hence the name of Tang Gate.

In 1895, Zhang Jian, the champion of the late Qing Dynasty, shouted the slogan of "saving the country by industry" and set up a large raw cotton factory in Tangzha. In the following years, a series of industries such as milling, oil pressing, soap making, iron smelting, mulberry dyeing and weaving were successively landed here, and Tangzha became a prosperous national industrial center from an ordinary rural ferry.

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