The new Chinese style ushered in unprecedented heat, not flat wind, but a cumulative development.

Wearing a horse-faced skirt to the graduation ceremony, walking in the cherry blossom forest in a Hanfu, embroidered mandarin jacket with a white T-shirt - casual with a bit of prestige,

has become the daily wear of many young people. The new Chinese style, horse skirt this year "take the lead", become the girls' New Year dress, embroidery, disc buckle, tapestry, ancient style and modern seamless connection.

It seems that not so long ago, we were discussing "how to inherit and protect traditional culture". In a blink of an eye, the new Chinese style is like a whirlwind, all the way to the fire "out of the circle".

A hobby has become a popular trend. Why is New Chinese style popular? Can this "huge flow" last? Under the heat, we also need to think calmly: What is the competitiveness of the sustainable development of new Chinese style? How should the new Chinese style go abroad and become a new highlight of global fashion?

Look good and wear into the public wardrobe

Ingenuity into "grain", flowers "decoration" renovation. On the stage of the 2024 CCTV Spring Festival Gala, the Chinese traditional pattern creation show "Nian Jin" amazed four people.

This Furama fashion show not only gained the praise of the TV audience, but also made thousands of Hanfu fans excited: "This is the 42nd year of the Spring Festival Gala, but it is the first large-scale display of Hanfu on this stage!"

Behind the Hanfu girl's appearance on the Spring Festival Gala stage is the good news of the modern spread of Chinese culture. According to the "2023 China Brand Development Trend Report", from 2019 to 2022,

the number of Chinese consumers buying domestic products related to Guocao increased by 74%, and the transaction value increased by 355%. At the just-concluded Autumn/Winter 2024 MODE Shanghai Fashion Show, brands related to national trends accounted for 25% of the independent participating brands this season.

A good time to go outing, new Chinese style is a lot of people like to wear spring travel. Whether it is the pavilions of classical gardens, the natural environment of green mountains, or the busy city street scene, it is indispensable to travel in new Chinese clothes.

"During the Spring Festival this year, I was' planting grass 'by a horse-faced dress, but at that time I was a little shy, thinking that wearing this traditional dress would be a bit' grand 'and others might look at me with strange eyes."

Ms. Liu told reporters that she did not expect to enter the company after the next year and found that several colleagues were wearing them, which suddenly dispelled her concerns.

"In order to travel during the Qingming holiday, I specially bought two sets of parent-child Hanfu last month and wore them to Lishui with my son and took several sets of photos." Some pieces can be worn together in everyday life."

Today, new Chinese clothes that look good but are practical are finding a place in the wardrobes of more and more consumers. During the Spring Festival, topics such as "Caoxian County sold 300 million horse skirt is still in short supply" rushed to the hot search,

and the turnover of Han clothing category on an e-commerce platform increased by 325% year-on-year. The topic of "New Chinese style dress" has been viewed hundreds of millions of times on social platforms, and related notes have exceeded 3 million.

Build up and show cultural confidence

The new Chinese style ushered in unprecedented heat, not flat wind, but a cumulative development.

As one of the theme IP activities of Shanghai Fashion Week, the "Garden Tour Dream" - Oriental · New Chinese Fashion Exhibition sponsored by Shanghai Textile Fashion Industry Development Co., Ltd.

was held in Shanghai Shanghai Theatre recently, and the new Chinese clothing seminar with the theme of "New Chinese drive and internationalization" was held at the same time. In the interview,

the industry generally believed that: from the first year of the national tide in 2018 to the rise of the new Chinese style heat last year, not only the support of traditional Chinese culture and history, but also the inherent cultural confidence and national identity of the young generation.

"Fashion cannot be separated from the foundation of culture, and the new Chinese style is the combination of cultural inheritance and fashion innovation." When we use the aesthetics of design to express and become a way of life applicable to the present,

young people will feel that this is our real national style, Chinese style." Xiong Ying, a famous designer, artistic director and founder of Gaia Legend clothing, said that the Chinese lifestyle driven by clothing is also being recognized by the world, "because beauty and art have no national boundaries, and the world also needs Chinese clothing."

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