Don't be careless about bone care, bone care should be early

Degenerative aging, bone hyperplasia... These diseases seem to be exclusive to middle-aged and elderly people, but now more and more young people are facing the same problem. This also reminds young friends that the care and maintenance of bones, sooner rather than later.

Cervical spondylosis is not a "patent" for the elderly

Neck and shoulder pain, upper limb pain numbness and weakness, walking as if stepping on cotton, wrestling for no reason... These symptoms may be warning signs from the cervical spine.

In recent years, the trend of younger cervical spondylosis is obvious, and the main reason is closely related to the lifestyle of young people. Long-term sitting, looking down at the mobile phone for a long time, coupled with incorrect sitting and sleeping position, the neck is in a fixed position of flexion for a long time, and over time, the physiological curvature of the cervical spine becomes straight, and even the arch will appear, thus accelerating the degeneration and aging of the cervical spine.

The European Association of Spinal Surgery has warned that playing mobile phones and watching computers for a long time is equivalent to a neck load of 25 kilograms. When the head is tilted forward at a 30 degree Angle, the cervical spine can bear about 18 kg. When leaning forward at a 45 degree Angle, the weight of the cervical spine is about 22 kilograms. It is not difficult to imagine that when the cervical spine is in a state of high load for a long time, the cervical disc is prone to premature degeneration and aging, and then occur intervertebral joint instability, disc herniation, bone hyperplasia and other phenomena, resulting in compression and stimulation of the spinal cord and nerve roots. In addition, young people due to lack of exercise, the neck muscles can not be effectively exercised, making the stability of the cervical vertebra decreased, which is also one of the reasons for the young cervical spondylosis.

How to protect the cervical spine? First, avoid looking down for long periods of time. You can do cervical spine exercises for about 45 minutes at the desk, stretch the cervical spine around and back, but pay attention to the speed should not be too fast, the amplitude should not be too large, and prevent excessive muscle ligament pulling.

Secondly, a good sleeping position and the choice of pillows are equally important for the prevention of cervical spondylosis. For patients with supine sleeping position, the pillow can be slightly lower, but it should be padded, and the neck should not be suspended; In patients with lateral sleeping position, the pillow can be slightly higher, with shoulder height, and the principle is to try to maintain the normal physiological curvature of the spine.

In addition, adhere to the scientific movement. Scientific physical exercise can promote the health of the spine. Swimming, flying kites, playing badminton, etc. have a positive effect on improving cervical curvature and relieving neck and shoulder pain. It should be noted that exercise needs to master the method, grasp the amount and degree, and avoid injury caused by sudden intense exercise after a long time without exercise. In the interval between work, you can do some simple cervical muscle exercises, such as crossing your hands behind your head, doing hands forward, head and neck back resistance action, lasting 5 seconds, relax 5 seconds, alternately, can also play a good exercise effect.

Multiple factors accelerate the degeneration and aging of lumbar intervertebral disc

Many young people often have low back pain, leg pain, butt pain and other discomfort, go to the hospital to check is lumbar disc herniation. Lumbar disc herniation is a common degenerative disease of the spine, mostly in middle-aged and elderly people, and now this "senile disease" is common in young people.

Trauma in daily life, sitting for a long time standing, frequent bending, lifting heavy objects and other factors will accelerate the degeneration and aging of the lumbar disc, resulting in lumbar disc herniation. Early onset of lumbar protrusion in young people will affect life, study and work, and women will also face additional risks during pregnancy and childbirth.

Lumbar disc degeneration is irreversible. Protect the lumbar spine. It's urgent. First, avoid sitting. Prolonged inactivity is one of the most common causes of lumbar spine disease. Studies have shown that the lumbar load in sitting position is significantly increased compared to lying flat, lying on the side or standing, and the lumbar load is greatest when the body leans forward in sitting position. If the sitting posture is not correct, the height of the table and chair is not suitable, it is easier to "push the old" lumbar spine.

Second, strengthening the back muscle training is key. For example, consciously do some abdominal rolls, plank support and other actions to increase the internal stability of the spine. But pay attention to step by step, to avoid unscientific exercise caused by lumbar injury. We should also pay attention to scientific waist use in life. When bending over to take things, it is best to use hip flexion, kneeling squat, reduce the pressure on the back of the lumbar disc and slow the movement. Avoid sleeping on your stomach during your nap break.

Finally, after the occurrence of symptoms of back and leg pain, be sure to go to a regular hospital for assessment at the first time. It is not recommended to go to the health hall massage massage, or listen to small advertisements at will, these behaviors have a certain risk, but may aggravate the condition.

Bad living habits easily cause bone hyperplasia

The weather is sunny and warm, and more and more young people meet to go out, but they are suddenly disrupted by joint pain. This kind of pain is often diagnosed as arthritis, also known as long bone spurs, bone hyperplasia.

Arthritis is a degenerative disease of articular cartilage, the incidence of which increases with age, and now the disease is also showing a younger trend.

Many patients do not understand, "I am so young, my bones are very smooth, how can I grow thorns?" In fact, osteoarthritis is not only manifested as bone lesions, but also includes the synovial membrane, ligament, muscle and other soft tissue lesions around the articular cartilage. This is actually related to the bad habits of many young people, for example, obesity will cause greater pressure on the joints, in standing, walking activities, will increase the speed of joint wear; Lack of exercise causes bone, joint, muscle strength is not enough, so that the joint can not be protected; Blindly follow the trend of long-distance running, marathon and other sports, running exercise posture is not correct, excessive use of joints lead to accelerated wear of joint cartilage.

In addition, there are many women who wear short skirts in autumn and winter, expose their knees and ankles in the cold wind, and do not pay attention to warmth or often wear high heels, which are easy to cause osteoarthritis.

How to have a healthy joint?

First, exercise properly. Avoid climbing stairs, climbing mountains, squats, these activities of greater pressure on the joints, especially large weight friends can choose to walk, jogging, swimming and other moderate intensity exercise. Also, avoid raiding physical exercise. People who do not exercise for a long time come to a sudden "large dose" of exercise, it is easy to cause serious damage to the joints.

Secondly, keep a reasonable weight. Being overweight puts direct stress on joints, but being too thin and lacking enough muscle mass can also damage joints. In addition, when there are symptoms such as joint discomfort, pay attention to avoid external weight in life, such as the need to lift heavy objects as far as possible to use tools such as hand-pulled carts.

Finally, strengthening joint muscles is also important. Daily exercises such as straight leg elevation and static squat training can strengthen the muscles around the joint to make the joint more stable and reduce the risk of injury.

In order to keep joints healthy, many young people will try some folk remedies on social platforms, such as soaking vinegar, stomping feet and other soil methods, which are not scientific. If you encounter joint pain and discomfort, it is recommended to go to a regular hospital for assessment, seek professional advice from a doctor, and take corresponding stepped intervention and treatment methods.

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