Is it true that teeth become beautiful after correction

The significance of early childhood correction is to save and intervene in the growth and development stage, through simplified treatment and muscle training with the power of growth potential, to help children avoid future painful fixed correction and surgical correction.

There are three important periods for parents to take their children to the orthodontist to determine whether they need correction: 4-5 years old baby teeth, 7-8 years old replacement teeth, and 11-15 years old permanent teeth.

Many people ask, how old is the right age for child dental correction? One cannot generalize, because all kinds of dental deformities are not the same.

In principle, we treat when we find it. Some children have the habit of biting their fingers, causing the upper teeth to protrude, the lower teeth to fall inside, and the lower chin to retreat. This bad habit should be treated early.

Some children use mouth breathing, mouth breathing is often due to chronic rhinitis or chronic adenoid hyperplasia caused by upper respiratory tract blockage or stenosis, passive formation of oral breathing.

Oral breathing for a long time will affect the development of the upper and lower jaws, resulting in a high angular shape, the lower jaw rotates backward and downward, the lower third of the face becomes longer, and the lower chin shrinks back, the upper teeth arch high and forward, and the face becomes thinner.

If a child is found to be breathing through the mouth, treat it early. These are all functional dental deformities.

Can adults get orthodontics?

Orthodontic treatment is not exclusive to teenagers and children, as long as the periodontal conditions are good and the correction plan is reasonable, adults can also carry out orthodontic treatment.

Is it true that teeth become beautiful after straightening?

Orthodontics changes not only your teeth, but your life.

Orthodontic can make the teeth and jaws get aesthetic improvement, such as the buck teeth of the anterior arch of the double teeth, after correction, the crown of the side and the smile curve will be significantly improved.

For example, after the correction of the "ground bag day", the back middle will become full, the smile will become beautiful, and the side face will be improved. In addition, the chin is underdeveloped, through correction, let the chin forward rotation, which is spread on the Internet "orthodontic jaw".

However, the effect of this facial improvement is also limited, and not every patient can achieve this effect.

How to deal with the price of dental care is too expensive?

In fact, if dental diseases can be prevented in the early stage and timely treatment, such as daily good dental cleaning habits, regular dental cleaning, dental caries in time to fill teeth, etc., you can avoid high costs in the later stage.

How to brush your teeth this little thing well?

Because most people do not pay enough attention to oral problems, how to brush teeth correctly has become the first barrier to prevention.

Do three threes, brush your teeth easily. Brush your teeth 3 times a day, 3 minutes after a meal, and brush your teeth for 3 minutes.

The amount of toothpaste should not be too much, only a very small amount can remove plaque on the teeth, adults usually only two pea size amount is enough.

At the same time, every time you eat food, you should gargle or drink water to remove food residue, so as not to ferment food residue in the teeth and form plaque.

How do you brush your teeth reasonably? How to brush your teeth this little thing well?

At present, the only method recommended by the World Health Organization is called Pap brushing, in which the toothbrush is oriented 45 degrees toward the gums, trembles horizontally, and moves within a small range of one or two centimeters. Then brush vertically, one or two teeth at a time.

Note: Brushing does not need to be very vigorous, just brush away the plaque on the surface of the teeth.

Which is better, electric toothbrush or manual toothbrush?

Use a soft toothbrush with a small head. According to the World Health Organization, using a manual toothbrush and the Pap method is the most effective and reliable way to brush your teeth.

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