Children's eyesight can deteriorate during the holidays

The holiday is the "dangerous period" of children's eyesight slide, many children use mobile phones, computers and other electronic products for a long time, coupled with insufficient outdoor exercise, no regular schedule, incorrect reading and writing posture, nutrition imbalance, etc., resulting in children's eyesight quietly flashing a red light.

After a holiday, some children can even increase their myopia by 200-300 degrees. Therefore, parents should pay attention to their children's eye health during the holidays.

Usually pay more attention to observe the child's eyes and whether there are abnormal behaviors, such as watching things or watching TV, whether you like to squint, tilt your head to see, or squint, close to look.

Observe whether the child can look at things stably and whether the eyes shake; Whether the child is prone to falling while walking, these may be symptoms of oblique amblyopia.

Even mild myopia, the impact on the growth and development of children can not be underestimated.

The younger the child is, the greater the proportion of false components of myopia, and the rush to wear glasses at this time will fix the degree of false myopia and become true myopia.

The earlier a child becomes short-sighted, the more likely it is to become highly short-sighted later on.

In patients with high myopia, the elongation of the eye axis will lead to structural deformation of the eye, thinning of the retina, insufficient blood supply to the retina and other problems, which will lead to a variety of serious complications, including cataract, retinal detachment, splits, macular holes, vitreous lesions, posterior scleral staphyloma and glaucoma.

But many highly short-sighted people do not know these potential hazards, as long as the degree of myopia does not change, generally will not go to the hospital to check the fundus.

Therefore, high myopia has become one of the main causes of blindness.

It is recommended that parents regularly take their children to the hospital for eye health checks, pay attention to the annual eye physical examination, and find that early treatment is the key.

Children so young to wear glasses, the degree will be more and more deep?

This is the first reaction of many parents when they hear that their children are advised to get glasses.

In this regard, the director of ophthalmology, contrary to the fears of parents, the younger the children who are short-sighted, the sooner they should wear glasses.

This is because the child before the age of 6, the eye development is not yet complete, then if myopia, but not corrected in time, it means that seeing things will be blurred, which will affect the development of the child's eye, thereby affecting the development of their vision, and even lead to amblyopia.

"The earlier you wear glasses, the faster the degree will deepen" is actually a misunderstanding.

The development of myopia is related to many factors, which are relatively clear at present: Close reading, looking at mobile phones, using computers, etc., the longer the myopia progress faster, that is to say, if you still do not pay attention to eye hygiene after wearing glasses, parents do not strictly control the time of their children watching TV and playing IPAD, the child's myopia will indeed continue to deepen the risk, and this has nothing to do with whether to wear glasses.

And if the child is more than 6 years old when the age of myopia, then their eyeballs have developed almost with adults, wearing glasses or not the difference is mainly to see things are not clear, basically will not affect the development of vision.

At the same time, to this age, the way to correct vision in addition to wearing glasses and other options such as orthokeratology, parents can according to their actual situation, take their children to the eye consultation.

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