Asymptomatic coronary heart disease is even scarier

High blood pressure can cause coronary heart disease?

Most people subconsciously do not want to be called "patients", especially young professionals, often ignore some common diseases, especially high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high blood fat and so on.

However, hypertension is a relatively insidious pathogenic factor for coronary heart disease, hypertension will lead to vascular surface infringement, long-term infringement will induce coronary heart disease, so it is necessary to prevent coronary heart disease in the early stage of hypertension.

There was once an extreme case in clinical practice, the patient had an acute illness experience nine years ago, when the sky was spinning, as if the sky was falling down, there was a personal experience of dying, fortunately, after the patient's self-treatment has been alleviated.

In the following nine years, because it did not affect his life and work, the patient did not find his high blood pressure, nor did he go to the hospital in time for treatment. However, nine years later, due to a common cold, the hospital examination found that one of the patient's heart vessels had been 100% blocked, and other blood vessels were also blocked, and the diagnosis was coronary heart disease. If not treated in time, it is very dangerous.

It's a common word in the workplace. No matter what kind of disease, because of their young, always can carry through.

But as the pressure of work increases and you get older, you will find that you may eventually resist the terrible consequences.

Many diseases in the very early stage, if there is good treatment, it is possible to fully recover and cure. However, if it reaches the later stage, it may not die, but the recovery of physical function is much worse, and it is recommended that we do early prevention.

It is suggested that not everyone is so lucky, when the blood vessels are suddenly blocked, there may be serious consequences, such as sudden death, large-scale myocardial infarction, heart failure and so on. It is recommended that people at high risk of cardiovascular disease keep nitroglycerin at home.

Asymptomatic coronary heart disease is even scarier

Sudden death, the most serious disease facing the human world today.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines sudden death as sudden death from a natural disease in an unexpectedly short period of time in an otherwise healthy or apparently healthy patient.

And sudden cardiac death accounts for the vast majority of sudden cardiac death patients.

The main causes of sudden death are:

◆ Overwork and stress.

Dramatic mood swings, especially joy and sadness.

Excessive exercise, the body can not bear the load.

◆ Excessive alcohol consumption.

◆ People with a history of coronary heart disease, especially the elderly and patients who have had stents.

From clinical studies, the vast majority of sudden cardiac death is the underlying heart disease.

but this does not mean that without heart disease, you can completely ignore the possibility of sudden death.

In daily life, overwork, great joy and sorrow, high-load work, these are not correct practices.

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