The real luxury is the difference between home and abroad

Guangdong people do not touch Japanese goods, Europe and the United States big name, bright colors, styles, not like the small devil as pay attention to details, the main standard washing standard 7, 80% imitation is not difficult, even if there is no original sample version, go to Hong Kong to buy a back to see it is not difficult, silk clothes and skirts look valuable and sell, the most important, China is a silk products country, Fabric is not a problem, now YKK put the agent, you can let go to buy, many styles of machinery and equipment do not have much requirements, just find a few workers rent a place to buy a sewing machine can do, understand it... What is more, even do not want the original, the official website to see a picture, probably out of a sample can be produced, the jargon is called "see the mountain and a mountain."

Continue to go back to the factory, in recent years, the factory found that with these whether it is the final goods or individual nature of the order to do business to be much cooler, one hand money one hand goods, booking time, deposit are paid extremely positive, both so good to make money, the bosses feel that the off-season workers anyway empty, the same to pay wages, why not also do something to sell it, All the inventory in the warehouse is mobilized, just take a version, almost no cost only profit ah.

Therefore, do not feel that what you can buy in the factory must be the original single goods, many factories now have a store department, many people love to Amoy.

Line out of the top, talk about encountered counterfeiting master, such master to make things, unless it is holding a single original comparison, or let you distinguish one hundred master consultation can not say that their things are not the original single, now on the market in the real original single goods more than half of the things from these people, and even some quality beyond the original single.

Whether it is imported fabrics or accessories, they will have their own channels to get it done, absolutely not fake, for the production management requirements of the factory is also very high, most of the factories are specialized in doing big brands, the only difference may be that the fabric and the original single similarity is only 90%.

Some can even purchase 100% of the same materials from the supplier of the order side at the same time, this part is actually no different from the original, but such products are usually not produced in the original factory, generally the model of factory A, and go to Factory B for production, because generally the factories of first and second tier brands are not small factories, and foreign companies have records there. Once something flows to the market, it is easy to trace the source, and they are rarely willing to risk lawsuits or termination of cooperation to manufacture these imitations.

The chance of finding the original single on the market is actually less than 10%, so don't blindly obsess over the original single.

Most of the world's luxury goods are made in China, like prada, are processed in China and returned to foreign companies, after packaging and then sold to the world.

The difference between home and abroad

Many international brands of clothing, the quality of domestic sales and sales abroad is different, export products, raw materials are basically imported, and domestic sales, raw materials are basically purchased in the country.

Therefore, you will find that the same brand bought in the United States will not be ugly for several times, and the domestic bought washing once or twice is very ugly, which is the difference between clothes.

European and American luxury goods factories in China are mainly concentrated in Dongguan and other places, but the scale is not large. There are also many factories in Shenzhen, Wenzhou, Hangzhou and other places that are producing for these international luxury brands. They may be large or small, direct or "double order," or produce finished products or do only one process. But there is no doubt that what they produce is genuine. For example, the old luxury brand Ralph Lauren in New York to Guangdong Dongguan Liantai Group POLO series OEM orders can reach hundreds of millions of yuan a year.

"There are a lot of things that are inconvenient to say because there is no need to tear the paper.

It is already a common fact, and consumers should not worry too much." Liantai factory director has said so.

Where customers and big brands share a workshop.

"I understand LV's production costs, and it's really only that much. If you go to the workshops of China's manufacturing bases in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces and the Yangtze River Delta, you will feel very hopeless.

Because here are the products of Vanco, and there are some luxury brands, using the same fabric, the same cotton, the same workshop, the same workers." Chen Nian, CEO of Vancl, said that in terms of cost, LV and VancL are almost the same, and the reason why they sell at high prices is because there are a number of emerging markets' nouveau riche.

In 2011, Italian luxury brand Prada broke the news that it would join IDG, another venture capital fund, to buy into Prada's Chinese luggage contract manufacturer "Times Leather Goods" and subscribe about 20% of its proposed shares respectively.

Time Leather Goods was founded in 1968 in Hong Kong, for a number of European and American luxury brands of luggage foundry, with 44 years of history, but low-key, not well known to the outside world. It has been working with its biggest customer, Coach, for 13 years, and Coach has 500 factories in China.

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