Improve regulation construction to promote healthy and orderly development

the development of a new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics has experienced a golden period, and the five functions of think tanks, namely, "political advice, theoretical innovation,

public opinion guidance, social service, and public diplomacy", have achieved remarkable results, and the research results of think tanks have provided significant intellectual support for the socialist modernization drive with Chinese characteristics.

Reviewing this development process, it is necessary to scientifically summarize achievements and experience, rationally analyze problems and countermeasures, so as to promote the construction of a new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics into a stage of high-quality development.

Remarkable progress has been made in the construction of think tanks

The first is strong initiative. First, in terms of political advice and theoretical innovation, the initial passive interpretation and verification of national policy guidelines have changed to active innovation and creation today.

Second, in terms of public opinion guidance, the phenomenon of "do not want to do" and "will not do" has been improved to a certain extent. Especially with the increasing popularity of we-media and the advent of the era of integrated media,

every think tank scholar can become a maker and disseminator of views, and the consciousness and effectiveness of guiding the public's thoughts and opinions have been greatly enhanced. Third, in social services and public diplomacy,

think tanks are increasingly playing a complementary role to the government. In terms of social services, we should build a bridge between the public and decision-makers, and pay more attention to the livelihood issues closely related to the lives of ordinary people,

rather than only paying attention to those "lofty" issues; In terms of public diplomacy, China has undertaken the mission of "Track II diplomacy", actively held international seminars in formal or informal forms,

especially the more convenient online video conference that has emerged this year, and conducted cross-border communication and exchanges on important issues in relevant international fields. The diplomatic "circle of friends" has been expanding.

The second is high accuracy. In recent years, with the growth and exploration of think tanks themselves and the mutual learning and reference among think tanks, major think tanks and think tank scholars in China have gradually become familiar with and mastered the characteristics of think tank research.

On the one hand, the research topic is more targeted, can cut to the heart of the problem, is no longer a general talk. Based on their own research expertise, think tanks conduct multi-angle discussions and in-depth analysis on a certain issue.

On the other hand, the form and language style of research results are also more in line with the needs of decision makers. Most think tank results require the discussion to be concise and comprehensive, with clear priorities and strong readability.

In recent years, domestic think tanks have designed diversified results for different audience groups, even multi-language results sets, and with the help of all-media communication, to achieve all-round and multi-angle accurate information push.

Finally, the feature is highlighted. In recent years, major domestic think tanks have basically found their respective segments and characteristic positioning in the think tank market in the continuous run-in.

On the one hand, all types of think tanks in the field of philosophy and social sciences have an orderly division of labor, and when they cooperate, they get twice the result with half the effort, and form a joint force of "1+1>2".

Each has its own ability to stand up for important positions in their respective fields. On the other hand, the nationality, local characteristics and industry of think tank research have gradually become prominent.

A number of think tanks have emerged in Xinjiang, Tibet, Yunnan and other regions that specialize in ethnic and border issues and have strong regional characteristics. These think tanks can make use of their geographical and cultural advantages to carry out various kinds of cooperation with neighboring countries.

Regional integration areas such as Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao, and Yangtze River Delta have also given birth to many trans-regional and alliance think tanks. With the rise of artificial intelligence,

blockchain, cloud computing, and big data industries, "engineering" think tanks with technical advantages and cross-disciplines in many related industries are also emerging.

Improve regulation construction to promote healthy and orderly development

While seeing remarkable achievements, there are still some problems in the construction of a new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics that cannot be ignored. First, the understanding of the positioning of think tanks is not yet in place.

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