We will consolidate the dominant position of Chinese culture

A review of the CPC's history of more than 100 years shows that the CPC has shouldered the heavy responsibility of safeguarding and carrying forward the fine traditional Chinese culture, and through reform and renewal, the Chinese civilization has gained new vitality in the process of modernization.

Establish cultural subjectivity,Achieve spiritual independence

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. With the rapid growth of the country's hard power, China's rise is unstoppable, and the cultural confidence of the Chinese people is becoming increasingly firm.

In explaining China's development path, the Western theory, once regarded as the standard, has become increasingly difficult to cope with. Bidding farewell to "Western centrism", getting rid of the fetters of Western culture since modern times,

and establishing the subjectivity of Chinese culture are the internal requirements of the construction of modern Chinese civilization. China must base itself on the great historical practice and contemporary practice of the Chinese nation,

sum up the Chinese experience with Chinese principles, elevate the Chinese experience into a Chinese theory, establish cultural subjectivity, and realize spiritual independence.

From the perspective of modern history, before Marxism entered China, Western capitalist culture had spread in China for more than half a century. But capitalism has never been able to take root in China,

the fundamental reason is that western capitalist culture and traditional Chinese culture in some aspects do not fit. The core of Western capitalist culture is individualism,

while Chinese traditional culture is based on society (the whole). The choice of Marxism by the Chinese people is not accidental, but has its profound historical and cultural roots.

The Communist Party of China's understanding of Chinese traditional culture has experienced a deepening process. The early Communists were also influenced by the zeitgeist, and their understanding of traditional culture was extreme and biased. With the continuous advancement of revolutionary practice,

the Communist Party of China has steadily matured in ideology. He clearly pointed out that the traditional culture can not be completely negated, but should discard its dross, take its essence, criticize and inherit.

It puts forward the principle of cultural sublation of "the ancient for the present and the foreign for the Chinese", and emphasizes that absorbing the democratic essence of ancient culture is a necessary condition for developing new national culture and improving national self-confidence, thus affirming the strong vitality and times value of "ancient excellent national culture".

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: "The traditional Chinese culture has a long history and is extensive and profound. The various thoughts and cultures produced in the formation and development of the Chinese nation record the spiritual activities,

rational thinking and cultural achievements of the Chinese nation in its long-term struggle, and reflect the spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation. The core content has become the most basic cultural gene of the Chinese nation."

It has always viewed the fine traditional Chinese culture from the depth of the deepest and most profound spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation, inherited the fine traditional Chinese culture from the height of national strategic resources,

and innovated and developed the fine traditional Chinese culture from the perspective of promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity.

We will consolidate the dominant position of Chinese culture

It is the foundation of the Chinese nation

Abandoning tradition and discarding the fundamental is tantamount to cutting off one's own spiritual lifeblood, and will certainly make the subjectivity of Chinese culture disappear.

Let the fine traditional Chinese culture in the new era glow with a new look, bloom eternal charm, can be called the most powerful manifestation of the subjectivity of Chinese culture.

The subjectivity of Chinese culture is established through "two combinations" by the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China on the basis of carrying forward the fine traditional Chinese culture,

inheriting revolutionary culture, and developing advanced socialist culture, and on the basis of learning from and absorbing all the excellent achievements of human civilization.

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