Why Rolex watches go fast

Many watch friends have encountered such a situation, Rolex watches after wearing for a period of time appeared to go fast, even if the newly bought watch is the same. The watch is not allowed, not only will affect our normal use, but also easily destroy a good mood at work. So what is the reason for the Rolex watch to go fast, and how to find the watch to go fast? What causes the watch to run faster?

1, the speed of the mechanical watch is mainly determined by the swing frequency, usually the larger the swing, the smaller the swing frequency, the smaller the swing frequency, the greater the swing frequency. Generally, the watch relies on the retracement and release of the spring to control the swing, which is the basic principle of adjusting the speed. Make the spring that can be retracted longer, it will increase the swing, the swing frequency will be smaller, and the watch will be slower; On the contrary, the swing frequency becomes larger, and the watch will become faster.

2, its own structural problems, by the earth's gravity, the horizontal position and vertical position offset will produce a difference, the spring from tight to relax, torque imbalance, coupled with the influence of external temperature, magnetic field, vibration, mechanical watches even if some frequency, it is impossible to achieve the accuracy of quartz electronic watches.

3, magnetic field utility, after the spring is magnetized, between the circle and the circle is only displayed when wearing, there is a sticky or short lap circle, especially in the facade, the spring will droop down due to its own gravity, the arm will aggravate its radial movement, magnetic energy utility because of this.

4, balance and spring balance balance, especially balance, balance balance is very bad, will cause the balance in a swing, highlighting the surface of the precision change.

What if you find your watch running fast?

Many parts inside the mechanical watch are steel materials, such as hairspring, size steel wheel, screws, bearings, escapement wheel, it is easy to be magnetized by magnets, magnetic fields and so on. The travel speed of the watch is controlled by the spring and balance wheel, and the spring is one of the most easily magnetized parts. After the watch contacts the magnetic field, the spring is magnetic, it will adsorb and stick together, so that the swing frequency of the balance wheel changes, and then changes the speed of the gear, and the watch will go fast. Mild symptoms will walk faster for tens of seconds a day, and severe symptoms can walk faster for a few minutes or even hours.

If you find that your watch is going fast, you can find a compass to diagnose whether the watch is magnetized. Put the compass flat on the table, hold the watch at close range and quickly shake back and forth above the compass, and try the watch several times in several directions, as long as the pointer moves, especially the deflection is very strong, you can judge that the watch is magnetized. The watch is magnetized, it is best to take the repair shop for demagnetization. Usually maintain the watch, do not let the watch contact with strong magnetic field items, it is best to maintain a distance of more than one meter. Do not put the watch on the TV, computer, radio, mobile phone, automatic mahjong table, refrigerator, washing machine, speaker, car door, bag magnetic buckle

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