New York Holds Thanksgiving Parade, New York, USA - Newly Appearing Giant Balloon - Highly Popular

The 97th Macy's Thanksgiving Parade was held in Manhattan, New York on the 23rd, with multiple newly unveiled giant balloons gaining high popularity.

On that day, when giant balloons based on the design of characters such as Ah Bao from the animated movie "Kung Fu Panda" and Luffy from the "One Piece" series appeared above the streets of New York, onlookers cheered and shouted the names of cartoon characters.

On November 23rd local time, the 97th Macy's Thanksgiving Parade was held in Manhattan, New York, USA. The picture shows a giant balloon designed based on the character of Ah Bao in the animated movie Kung Fu Panda marching on the streets of Manhattan. Photo by Wang Fan, journalist from China News Agency

"I came here early in the morning to wait," Sabana told China News Agency reporters. She learned in advance that this year's parade has many new elements, including the debut of Luffy, the newly designed panda Abao, and the new version of Snoopy, which excited her and her friends.

According to the organizers of the event, this year's Thanksgiving Parade will feature 25 giant balloons, 31 floats, 6 sets of inflatable dolls, 29 clown teams, as well as a marching performance that includes singers, musicians, dancers, Broadway actors, and well-known performance teams. It is expected that 3.5 million people will come to the scene to watch.

US media reported that the parade on that day was briefly disrupted by pro Palestinian protesters. The protesters crossed the guardrail and raised banners along the route, but were soon called out by the police. Prior to this, US President Joe Biden and First Lady Gill Biden called the site of the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade, calling on people to be grateful, united, and do good.

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