Russia loses first OPCW council seat, says Russia: 'Selective Executions'

Russia has lost three international organizations in 20 days! After being voted out of the International Court of Justice and the Executive Board of UNESCO for the first time, Russia has been voted out of the Executive Council of the OPCW for the first time. What does Russia's position in international organizations look like now?

Russian News network reported on November 30 that the Foreign Ministry claimed that Russia's first election to the OPCW council seat was a "selective execution".

The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the vote, which was carried out under unprecedented pressure, resulted in Russia losing its seat on the OPCW executive Council and that Russia had been subjected to "selective executions."

In a statement, the Russian Foreign Ministry said: "After Russia, Poland and Ukraine, Lithuania submitted a fourth application at the last minute for three vacant positions in the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. Of the 23 countries, 18 are members of NATO and the European Union or consider themselves members of these organizations, and the goal is clear - to take as many votes as possible away from Russia and to prevent our country from being re-elected to the OPCW Executive Council in the traditional way."

Former Member of the Defense and Security Committee of the Russian Federation Council also responded to Russia's failure to be elected to the OPCW Executive Council for the first time, saying that depriving Russia of its seat on the OPCW Executive Council is yet another attempt to isolate Russia and completely contradicts common sense.

"It's very sad and bad," Klintsevic said. We know who we're dealing with. We talk about it openly. Sooner or later, the whole international community, including those countries that are vassals of the United States, will be ashamed of what they have done."

The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) was established in 1997 to monitor compliance with the ban on the use of chemical warfare agents and the destruction of their stockpiles.

"Ukraine Pravda" reported that on November 29, 2023, the OPCW Executive Council held the election of executive members, only to get 66 votes to be elected, Ukraine got 126 votes, Poland got 123 votes, Lithuania got 76 votes, Russia got 65 votes, Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania were successfully elected. Russia failed to get the minimum number of votes to be elected, lost the election for the first time in history, lost its seat on the OPCW Executive Council, was marginalized in this international organization, and its voice fell vertically!

"In less than a month, for the first time in its history, Russia has been defeated in three important international bodies, which is the inevitable result of the actions of the terrorist state: its role in international relations is declining and its isolation is increasing," Ukrainian President Volodymny Zelensky commented on Russia's first defeat as a member of the OPCW Executive Council.

On November 9, the election of a member of the United Nations International Court of Justice (ICJ) was held, with Russian candidate Armando Gvogiyan losing to Romanian candidate Andrei Orescu, the first time Russia has lost a seat on the court since its establishment in 1946.

As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, the International Court of Justice of the United Nations does not have its own judges for the first time, which is a great blow to Russia!

Russia's response was bizarre, with Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova saying: "This is a farce led by the British."

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